People today suffer from various medical issues. They need to carry plenty of medicines even when they think of spending time in Nature. It is because people do not know the deep bond they share with Nature and how it can help them to heal quickly if they ever suffer an injury.
Camping enthusiasts who spend considerable time in the wild are required to carry a first aid kit. Tourists on a jungle safari also need to be fully equipped. This is where the importance of possessing a book with Nature’s secrets comes in handy. A guide with the help of which you can learn how to use herbs and fruits in your favor.
We have found the perfect book for you to learn all about foraging – The Lost Book Of Remedies. It teaches you how to survive in the wild harmoniously with Nature so that you can enjoy your time there. When you are spending time in Nature’s womb, you can get immense traditional knowledge from this book to thrive there.
Without further ado, let’s take a primary look at the book. What Is The Lost Book Of Remedies?
It is no secret that humans have evolved and learned from Nature. So, it is only fair that you understand the deep connection you can form with Nature and its resources. The Lost Book of Remedies is authored by Dr. Nicole Apelian and Claude Davis, who have extracted the contents of this book from history.
If you ever go into the wild and feel uncomfortable, you need to learn all about the plants, herbs, and trees out there. Thankfully, this book can be a lifesaver. It contains all the information about traditional medicine one can make from resources in the wild.
According to the official website of the book, these remedies were used by Davis’s grandfather to treat the victims of the war. The authors have researched these remedies well and transferred their knowledge into this book.
If you want to connect with Nature in a meaningful manner, you can rely on the contents of this book. It is available in both physical and digital formats and also comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Take a look at the summary of the book in the following table. Key Details About The Book Name The Lost Book of Remedies Genre Guide To Herbal Medicine Authors Claude Davis and Dr. Nicole Apelian Description This book contains remedies involving common plants and herbs that can be used to treat wounds and mild diseases. You can learn how to create medicinal solutions with the help of these remedies. Benefits Helps in identification of plants (contains images) Detailed information about recipes of the remedies Cure for everyone Bonus Guides The 80 Square-Feet Medicinal Garden Everyday Disaster Medicine Guidebook Price $37 + shipping Money-back Guarantee 60-day satisfaction guarantee What Is A Medicinal Plant?
Plants are considered to be the oldest form of life on earth. They provide us with food, shelter, clothing, fuel, and medicine. In Ayurveda (an ancient Indian system of medicine), they are known as panchakarma or five fold purification. The medicinal properties of plants are well documented.
Plants play a vital role in our daily lives. From providing us with food, shelter, and clothes to energy, medicine, and beauty aids, plants are essential to human existence. This article discusses the important roles plants play in our lives.
The word “plant” itself means “to grow.” It is used to describe any living organism that grows above ground. These include herbs, trees, shrubs, grasses, flowers, fruits, vegetables, bushes, vines, etc.
A plant can be defined as a living organism that has leaves, stems, roots, flowers, seeds, fruit, bark, wood, latex, resin, sap, juice, gum, oil, wax, pollen, spores, seedlings, bulbs, tubers, rhizomes, corms, stolons, bulbs, bulbs, bulbs, etc.
Medicinal plants have been used by man since time immemorial. They were first discovered by accident when people started using them for various purposes.
Medicinal plants are those which are useful in treating diseases. They are also called herbal remedies. Herbal remedies are derived from natural sources such as plants, animals, minerals, fungi, etc.
Herbs are not drugs; they do not contain chemical substances like aspirin, morphine, codeine, etc. Instead, they contain active chemicals called phytochemicals. Phytochemicals are organic compounds found in plants. Some of these phytochemicals are antioxidants, anti-inflammatory agents, antimicrobial agents, antiseptics, stimulants, sedatives, etc.
Herbs are generally classified into two categories: primary and secondary. Primary herbs are those that are grown specifically for their medicinal value. Secondary herbs are those that are cultivated for other uses but are later processed to extract their medicinal values.
Primary herbs are usually more potent than secondary herbs because they are harvested at an earlier stage. However, secondary herbs may be preferred over primary herbs if they are easily available. How Do We Know If A Plant Has Medicinal Properties?
There are many ways to know whether a particular herb has medicinal properties. One way is through scientific research. Scientists study the effects of different herbs on humans. Another way is through clinical trials. Clinical trials involve testing the effectiveness of certain herbs in curing specific ailments.
Another method is through traditional knowledge. Traditional healers use herbs to treat patients without knowing what exactly it does.
Some herbs are tested scientifically, while others are only used traditionally. For example, ginseng is one of the most popular herbs worldwide. Ginseng is used to cure fatigue, stress, insomnia, depression, anxiety, etc. It is also used to improve memory and concentration. However, there is no scientific evidence to prove its efficacy.
Ginger is another common herb. Ginger is known to relieve nausea, vomiting, indigestion, colds, coughs, sore throats, toothaches, headaches, etc. There is some scientific evidence to support this claim.
Other examples of herbs with medicinal properties are aloe vera, basil, black pepper, cinnamon, cloves, eucalyptus, garlic, ginger, horseradish, oregano, parsley, rosemary, sage, thyme, turmeric, vanilla, etc. What Does The Book Talk About?
This book is the brainchild of Claude Davis and Dr. Nicole Apelian. It contains more than 300 pages of remedies and information in it. The basic idea behind this book is to make the users understand that you can create useful potions from Nature when in an uncomfortable situation.
The Lost Book of Remedies talks about how herbs and plants can be utilized and made into medicines if you are in the wild and need immediate treatment. This knowledge can save your life if you are in the woods alone.
Along with written text, this book also contains vivid pictures of all the plants that you can make medicines with. This helps you to identify the correct plants in Nature. These plants are mainly native to North America because the authors are based there. What Can Benefit From The Book?
The Lost Book of Remedies is for anyone who wants to survive and thrive in the wild. You can learn to identify the right edible plants, herbs, shrubs, and vines, among many others. When you carry this book with you, you carry the difference between a miserable and a happy trip.
It is because most people cannot differentiate between similar-looking plants. To an average individual, Poison Ivy and the Virginia Creeper might look the same. This book contains detailed text and vivid images that can help you identify the correct plants in no time.
This book is an excellent addition to your library and adventure backpack as it can teach you how to thrive in unfamiliar territory. With this book by your side, you can be at ease out there. There is information for everyone in this book. If you have a garden, even then, this book can help you to create remedies from common shrubs in your backyard. A Few Remedies From The Book
This book contains more than 300 pages of information. In order to unlock all the remedies, you need to get either a physical or digital copy of this book. However, if you want to find out the type of remedies you can learn here, this section is for you.
Sometimes if the regular medicines don’t work for you, you can take the help of the remedies listed in this book. These have helped thousands of people heal.
The authors have been kind enough to list a few remedies on the official website of the book. From the looks of it, these remedies are created using pretty simple shrubs and recipes. Take a look at three remedies provided by the authors. Angry Bear Paw
This was made by Davis’s grandfather during WWII to heal soldiers who had been wounded. Angry Bear Paw is a powerful painkiller made with wild lettuce. It is a pretty common plant that is often found in the backyards of people’s homes.
He used the milky substance of the plant to create the remedy. The leaves of the plant are ground and boiled until a brown mixture leaves behind. This is strained and left on the heat for two-three hours when it turns dark and gluey.
It can be used to treat wounds or bacterial infections.
Other Benefits Of Angry Bear Paw: 1) Weight Loss:
Wild lettuce has been traditionally used to lose weight. It contains high amounts of chlorophyll, an antioxidant compound that reduces fat accumulation in the body. Chlorophyll also increases the metabolism rate, thereby burning more calories. 2) Digestive Health:
Wild lettuce improves digestion because it contains enzymes that break down proteins and fats. This makes it easier to absorb nutrients from food. 3) Skin Care:
Wild lettuce is beneficial for treating dry skin. The leaves of wild lettuce contain silica, which is good for moisturizing the skin. Silica also prevents wrinkles. 4) Pain Relief:
Wild lettuce relieves pain by reducing inflammation. Inflammation causes swelling and redness, which leads to pain. 5) Blood Pressure:
Wild lettuce lowers blood pressure by increasing circulation. When blood flows through your arteries, it carries oxygen and nutrients to all parts of your body. Log Man’s Mending Fur
Log Man’s Mending Fur or Old Man’s Beard is usually found on dead trunks or branches (you can see the image on the website for better clarity). It contains usnic acid, which is perhaps the only natural substance that can fight negative bacteria.
Take an ounce of the plant and place it in a jar. Add 5 ounces of vodka and leave the mixture on low heat for two hours. Take it off the stove and let the solution rest for a day. This is how you can get a jar of this medicine that can help you fight deadly bacterial infections.
You can find a detailed description of the battle with the bacteria on the official website. Red Beak Powder
This remedy is a lot of help to people with high blood pressure who take OTC drugs regularly and how they end up exhausting their liver.
This remedy is created from Hawthorn berries. The seeds are removed because they contain amygdalin, although in little quantities, which can be harmful in large doses. Add water to the berries and blend the mixture in a jar. Place this mixture on a tray and heat it in the oven at 200 degrees but leave the door open.
You will get a powder after the completion of the drying process. This can be made into capsules or taken with water, whichever you find suitable. It can cleanse your blood vessels if taken for two months. Other Benefits Of Red Beak Powder:
Hawthorn berries are one of the most important and useful herbs in herbal medicine. It is a shrub that grows all over Europe, Asia, North America, Africa, and Australia. The leaves and flowers of this plant have been used to treat various diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, asthma, insomnia, depression, anxiety, stress, menstrual problems, menopause, etc. 1) High Blood Pressure:
High blood pressure (hypertension) is a condition where your blood pressure is higher than normal. Hypertension causes many health problems including stroke, heart attack, kidney failure, blindness, etc.
In order to reduce hypertension, you need to consume foods rich in potassium. One of these foods is hawthorn berries. 2) Heart Disease:
Heart disease is also known as coronary artery disease. In this case, arteries get clogged with cholesterol and other fatty substances. As a result, blood flow becomes restricted, which leads to chest pain, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, etc.
One way to prevent heart disease is by consuming foods rich in antioxidants like vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta-carotene. Another way is by eating foods rich in potassium. Foods rich in potassium include bananas, oranges, apricots, figs, raisins, potatoes, beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, whole grains, dark green vegetables, and fruits. 3) Diabetes:
Diabetes is a chronic disease caused due to insufficient insulin production in the body. Insulin helps convert sugar from food into energy. If there is not enough insulin produced, sugar accumulates in the bloodstream leading to serious complications.
There are two types of diabetes – type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes occurs when the pancreas stops producing insulin. Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body does not use insulin properly.
If you want to avoid diabetes, it is recommended that you eat foods rich in fiber, protein, and complex carbohydrates. You may also take supplements containing chromium, zinc, magnesium, copper, selenium, vitamins B6, B12, D, K, A, C, E, and folic acid. 4) Cancer:
Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. There are different kinds of cancers. Some of them are skin, breast, prostate, lung, colon, stomach, liver, cervix, ovary, bladder, thyroid, brain, bone, etc.
Cancer is caused by genetic factors, lifestyle habits, environmental pollution, radiation exposure, smoking, obesity, alcohol consumption, poor diet, lack of exercise, etc.
Hawthorn berries contain chemicals that help fight against cancer. For example, flavonoids found in hawthorn berries inhibit the growth of cancerous tumors. Also, flavonoids protect healthy tissues from damage caused by chemotherapy drugs. 5) Menstrual Problems:
Menstruation is a natural cycle of bleeding during menstruation. During this time, women experience cramps, bloating, mood swings, fatigue, etc.
Menstrual problems can be prevented or treated using home remedies. One such remedy is to drink tea made from hawthorn berries. Hawthorn berries have been used since ancient times to treat menstrual problems. 6) Kidney Stones:
Kidneys remove waste products from the blood and produce urine. When kidneys do not function properly, they become unable to filter out toxins from the blood. This results in the formation of stones inside the urinary tract. These stones cause severe pain and discomfort.
Hawthorn berry extract has been shown to dissolve kidney stones. It contains compounds called tannins that bind to calcium and oxalate crystals present in the stone. This prevents the formation of new stones. Benefits Of Reading The Lost Book Of Remedies
The remedies listed above are just a small glimpse of what this book is capable of. There are more remedies to explore in the book that can help you to live a healthy life both indoors and outdoors.
The benefits of reading the Lost Book of Remedies are: You get the knowledge to survive in a rough lifestyle. The shrubs mentioned here can be found growing in gardens, which means you can utilize them for even better purposes. The tips and tricks mentioned in this book are historic, literally. So, you would be getting to know the rich history and anecdotes. The aim of this book is to arm you with a variety of skills that can help you tackle different situations. Bonus Guides
When you purchase The Lost Book of Remedies, you get your hands on two bonus guides that can enhance your knowledge on the subject. The authors won’t be continuing this offer for long so grab them whilst you have still got the chance. The bonus guides available with the book are: The 80 Square-Feet Medicinal Garden – You can learn how to grow effective medicinal plants in your backyard with the help of this guide. It can help you to keep the ingredients for preparing the remedies within your reach. Everyday Disaster Medicine Guidebook – In the event of a crisis, you can expect to catch infections and diseases and also not find help soon enough. This book can teach you how to diagnose such infections and treat them. Pricing
The physical copy of The Lost Book of Remedies costs $37 + shipping fees. If you don’t want to pay the shipping fees, you can get a digital copy of the book for the same amount.
You also get two bonus guides in this amount. Money-back Guarantee
The Lost Book of Remedies comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with the results of the remedies, you can contact customer support on the website and claim your money back. Final Verdict
The Lost Book of Remedies can prove to be a wonderful addition to your reading list. It can enhance your knowledge about plants and shrubs and how you can use them for your benefit.
It is a must-have for any person who wishes to enjoy his/her time in the wild without any fear or worry.
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