55th Circuit Judge Roy G. Mienk in August 2019.Kaytie Boomer | MLive.com
BAY CITY, MI — A Clare County man is facing a federal charge after allegedly threatening to grind a judge’s wife into a meat pastry and then kill the judge himself. The defendant seemingly tipped authorities off to the threats, having shared them on Twitter and tagged the FBI and other law enforcement agencies in his tweets.
Jeremy S. Adams, 49, on Monday, June 27, had his initial court appearance before U.S. District Magistrate Judge Curtis Ivy Jr. The judge informed he was facing one count of interstate communication containing the threat to injure the person of another, a five-year felony.
According to an affidavit contained in court files, the FBI on May 5 learned a Twitter user with the handle “RHnegHumanoid” was making threats online. The Twitter account bore the screenname “J Adams” next to its handle and was crosslinked to a Reddit account titled “rhnegativehumanoid.”
Investigators determined both accounts were operated by Adams.
The first threatening tweet mentioned in the affidavit was posted May 2 and is seemingly directed against a neighboring couple, their two children, and the children’s grandmother, saying they “have all participated in my torture and manipulation.” The tweet’s author goes on to say they “plan to start shooting those have been keeping me captive. If there is an open opportunity to kill oppressors, I am going to take it.”
Not mentioned in the affidavit but still available on the Twitter account are a series of tweets posted May 4, in which the author states he is going to murder his captors and that he has no other way out.
“When you come, be prepared to search my home,” states one tweet. “FBI or MARSHALS show, I lay my guns down. I didnt want any of this but imma Start killing these lowlife (expletives) today.”
Based on wording in the tweets, investigators identified the threats’ target as a neighbor of Adams. The neighbor told investigators he and Adams are not on good terms.
Clare County Sheriff’s deputies told the FBI they had been aware of an ongoing dispute between Adams and his neighbors.
Through a multitude of posts on Reddit, Adams gives morbid and grisly descriptions of what he would do to several people. His posts regularly state his hatred for racists, numerous public officials, and members of motorcycle clubs, or MCs.
In a series of June 14 tweets, the author states he does not condone the hunting and murdering of judges, with the exception of a “dishonorable judge mench.” The tweets go on to say their author will kill the judge after forcing him watch his wife being killed, put through a meat grinder, and made into pasties.
“Don’t worry, I can make a nice butter, flaky crust and yall wont be able to tell its human meat,” the tweets state. “He abused his power. I am going to take his life, gladly.”
The tweets continue to say their author will then go around Clare County and kill every single one of the judge’s family members.
The tweets also state their author will give authorities until July 4 to figure out how to “extract” him or he will “take the nuclear option and involve the Secret Service.”
Adams tagged the U.S. Attorney’s Office, the Michigan State Police, the FBI, and the U.S. Marshals Services in the tweets.
The FBI agent wrote in the affidavit there is no Judge Mench in Michigan. However, Adams has had a personal protection order denied him by Judge Roy G. Mienk of the 55th Circuit Court, which covers Clare and Gladwin counties.
“just so we are absolutely clear,” Adams’ Reddit account posted on May 26. “My targets are not random and random humans will not be harmed. I only want those in the MCs that have tortured and manipulated me for almost 7 years. My list includes the wives they used against me and the children they also used against me but no innocents.”
In Adams’ most recent tweets, posted between June 23 and 25, he offers his body for sale to the chair of the Harvard Department of Psychology to the tune of $10 million. He stipulates the seller is to keep $5 million, tax free, no questions asked, describing the amount as a “bounty for research materials.”
At Adams’ June 27 court appearance, he was accompanied by court-appointed defense attorney Christopher J. McGrath.
“There are some interesting nuances on the law on this case I would like to take a look at,” McGrath told Judge Ivy.
Ivy ordered Adams held pending a June 29 detention hearing. Beyond that, Adams is to appear for a preliminary examination at 2 p.m. on July 11.
Clare County Prosecutor Michelle J. Ambrozaitis confirmed her office has not charged Adams with any crimes on the state level.
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