BURLINGTON, Vt. (WCAX) - There’s a little bit of everything at Pepper Lee CBD, including hair oil, coffee scrubs, lip butter and muscle rubs.
Allyson Sprinkel started Pepper Lee CBD four years ago after teaching herself how to extract hemp, which is a cannabis plant. She says she does all of her own extracting with organic Vermont-grown hemp. She then infuses it into coconut oil and adds botanical ingredients, like Argan oil, essential oils and kava root.
“The Hair and Everywhere Oil that I make has some calendula kind of just live infusing in there,” Sprinkel said. “And that is so healing for the skin, so I call it a Hair and Everywhere Oil because you can really use it all over your body.”
Sprinkel says her products have multiple uses and can relieve several types of pain and discomfort, such as headaches, jaw tightness, acne and back pain.
Sprinkel says her muscle rub is her best-seller.
“You rub it on and within a couple of minutes, you’re going to start to feel this dissipation of the pain,” she said.
Sprinkel says she hopes people who buy her products will be inspired to take their health into their own hands.
“I hope it helps them feel empowered to take on their own care of their bodies,” she said. “It’s always nice to have something you can use before you reach for a bottle of pharmaceutical and just understand that a milder approach or gentler approach might be all that’s needed.”
Sprinkel shares her space inside the Soda Plant in Burlington with four other women-owned businesses. She says collaborating with other women is part of her mission as a female entrepreneur in the cannabis industry.
“There’s some sort of energy that a woman can bring working with cannabis -- not necessarily that’s lacking in a man -- but that is different and enriches the products a little bit in my opinion,” Sprinkel said.
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