Best Libido Boosters For Men: Top Enhancement Pills for Better Life-Health News , Firstpost

2022-07-15 21:57:08 By : Ms. Helen Wang

In men the testosterone levels start increasing right from childhood and adolescence.

People who are suffering from hypogonadism will have low libido. But in the present days it is no issue as Libido Booster Pills for men can reverse symptoms within a short time. Read about the best male libido boosters and sexual enhancement pills in the article.

 Men’s libido is directly linked with the levels of testosterone. Testosterone is the most vital hormone in males which is responsible for all the male features. Libido of men is strongly influenced by the levels of testosterone in the body.

In men the testosterone levels start increasing right from childhood and adolescence. But it has also been noticed that testosterone production in the male body starts declining at the rate of 1% every year after the age of 40.

While most men may not even feel the effects of low testosterone in some men the symptoms may be pronounced. People who have no symptoms need not to bother regarding low levels of testosterone as the body has been able to adapt with the new situation.

But for those middle aged and elderly people who are suffering from low testosterone symptoms, some form of external stimulator or testosterone replacement may be necessary.

Those people who have such symptoms of low levels of testosterone fail to enjoy their life to its fullest and even suffer while doing day to day activities of life. Such a condition is known as hypogonadism. Hypogonadism can be treated by testosterone replacement therapy.

As per the statistics 20% of people over 60 are suffering from hypogonadism. The ratio becomes 30% for people above 70 and almost half of the elderly population above 80 suffer from hypogonadism.

Some people may have the symptoms of hypogonadism and low libido even at lower ages. This may be due to some injury to the testicles or due to chemotherapy, radiation etc.

Low libido is directly related to low levels of testosterone. Hence the doctors try to understand the condition by measuring the levels of testosterone in the body. The levels of testosterone can be measured by one test called blood serum testosterone level test.

The average range of testosterone for a healthy man ranges from 300 to 1000 ng/dl.

But the measurement does not always indicate the requirement of any intervention medically. It is the doctors who are to decide depending upon the symptoms of the patient.

It is found that many people with a level of testosterone below 300 do well physically enjoying life. Such people do not need any treatment at all. But when the level of testosterone goes below 150 symptoms will start coming when you may need some medical intervention.

In the prescription medicinal system the available treatment for low level of libido is to enhance the testosterone level. This is possible by testosterone replacement. Following methods are available in the testosterone replacement therapy:

The problem with testosterone therapy is that it is a lifelong treatment and also has many harmful side effects.

Due to the cumbersome procedure and the many side effects of testosterone replacement therapy people avoid such therapy. The best alternative to testosterone replacement therapy is libido boosters and sexual enhancement pills.

Such libido booster and sex enhancement pills are made from 100% natural ingredients and have no side effects. These are similar to health supplements. The manufacturers of the male libido booster and sexual enhancement pills take care to select the best natural potent ingredients from tested sources all over the world.

Click Here for the Lowest price on Performer 8

This is considered as the topmost ranking best libido booster pills on the online market. We will first look into the claims of the company regarding the achievement of the libido boosting and sex pills and then try to find the scientific basis of their claims.

Let us find the claims of the company manufacturing the libido booster Performer 8.

It is a well known fact that the libido of men declines after some age. Science also has confirmed this that after the age of 40 the libido declines due to the low levels of testosterone.

So for sexual enhancing the levels of testosterone one has to increase the production of testosterone. Performer 8 tries to increase the levels of testosterone naturally through stimulation of the natural process of testosterone production.

Performer 8 includes many such ingredients which were known as good aphrodisiac. Such aphrodisiac herbal medicines were used by the ancient people for increasing libido in men.

But scientific clinical studies have found that Performer 8 not only improves the libido in men but it also has other beneficial effects such as high quality semen, increased sperm count etc which directly helps men to raise a healthy family.

Let us take the case of the main ingredient of Performer 8 Muira Puama. It is collected  from the wood and the root of the plant found in the amazon forest.

Muira puama is an aphrodisiac medicine which is used to increase libido in men. In addition to this it has other beneficial effects such as increasing appetite, improving digestive issues, menstrual dysfunctions etc.

Studies have shown that the effectiveness of Muira Puama can be increased when blended with some other ingredients. It is possible to enhance sexual desire and drive by consuming Muira Puama.

One clinical blind study has confirmed that by using Muira Puama for a period of two weeks 62% of the participants have enjoyed improved libido.

Ashwagandha which is basically an ayurvedic medicine has been patented as KSM 66. By increasing the levels of testosterone it helps in enhancing the libido. It has another beneficial effect and that is the reduction of cortisol. By reducing the cortisol levels sexual performance can be significantly increased.

Ferrous Bisglycinate is one form of the mineral iron. Iron is an essential mineral which our body needs for making blood red cells. This particular form of iron is easily adopted by the body. By increasing the flow of blood it helps in regaining well being and libido.

Maca Root Extract is collected from the mountain located in Peru which is called Andes Mountain. The scientific community got interested with this herbal medicine when they came to know that the medicine has been used by the aboriginals of the region for centuries for sexual issues and increasing libido.

Studies by the scientific researchers have confirmed that the medicine works as a n aphrodisiac.

Panax Ginseng is one of 11 different varieties of Ginseng found in different corners of the world. The short plants are slow growing and the rots are fleshy.

It is an aphrodisiac medicine which has many other beneficial effects. In addition to rectify men’s sexual dysfunctions it also improves energy levels, regulates blood sugar & cholesterol and reduce depression and stress.

Researchers could find one chemical compound called ginsenosides which is responsible for its aphrodisiac effects.

Horny goat weed contains icariin which is a flavonoid. Scientists have found that our body has PDE5 which acts in deflating erection. Nor icariin of the Horny Goat Weed can inhibit the enzyme PDE5. in this way it helps in rectifying the sexual dysfunctioning.

Pine bark extract contains substances which act as nutrients such as polyphenols, vitamins and many other phytonutrients.

The polyphenol nutrients of pine bark extract are procyanidins, catechins and phenolic acids. All these polyphenols are rich in antioxidants which fight the free radicals reducing oxidative stress. In addition to antioxidants it also exhibits properties like antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory.

Glucuronolactone is also produced by the body. It can be produced in the laboratory too. It is widely used in health drinks for energy boosting. It also improves attention and athletic performance.

Grape seed extract is also an antioxidant. It has beneficial effects in enhancing libido.

As the libido booster pills are made from 100% natural ingredients the side effects are minimal. It may not be suitable for young people with good levels of testosterone. It is meant for the adult population and elderly people.

The performer 8 is for increasing testosterone levels in men and should not be used by women. It is true that women too have some amount of testosterone but boosting more testosterone may cause side effects.

Avoid taking more products at a time as it may cause side effects.

Click Here for the Lowest price on Performer 8

Click Here for the Lowest Price on Semenoll

 Semenoll is the other libido enhancing pill which is available on the online market. The manufacturer of the libido booster claims the following benefits by taking the pills regularly.

The ways the libido booster and sex pill works are:

The company also claims that the libido booster Semenoll works in triple actions.

The first is increasing the fertility of the users. Often low levels of testosterone is said to be the root cause of infertility. Low levels of testosterone also causes lack of libido. The ingredients which are included in the libido booster pill helps to increase testosterone levels.

The sexual enhancing pill Semenoll also increases the sperm count and sexual performance.

The second action is related to the protection of the sperm during its long journey to the womb. Sperm in itself is quite fragile and may easily get damaged by the acidic environment inside.

The sperms are particularly sensitive to the oxidative stress which is generated inside the body. The reason for this oxidative stress is free radicals. The body succumbs to the oxidative stress due to faulty lifestyles as well as unhealthy diets.

The oxidative stress may even target the DNA of the sperms and reduce the sperm count. The manufacturer of the libido booster has rightly thought it fit to include ingredients which can eliminate oxidative stress.

That's why Semenoll contains a number of antioxidants which eliminates the free radicals and reduces the oxidative stress. In this way the libido booster helps in saving the sperm from damages.

Thirdly the libido enhancer pill goes to improve the sexual performance. For this primary need of humans, blood circulation has been considered as of prime importance. Even erectile dysfunctions are said to happen due to improper blood circulation.

The blood reaches oxygen to the various organs including the reproductive organs. When the blood circulation is increased more and more oxygen reaches the reproductive organs enhancing the functioning of the organs.

The manufacturer of Semenoll has selected the ingredients in such a manner that blood circulation improves, begetting many beneficial actions and also improving the libido.

Semenoll has included a sizable amount of Maca Root 900 mg. This is the major ingredient of the libido booster. Maca Root has been found to have a far reaching effect in enhancing the libido in men.

In one clinical blind test taking a group of people it was observed that Semenoll has increased the semen volume by 9%, sperm count by 20%.

Zinc is an essential trace mineral which has been linked to infertility in men. It has also been observed that 50% men who were diagnosed with zinc deficiency, were zinc deficient.

Zinc acts as a powerful antioxidant which reduces oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is very harmful for the sperms as it damages the fragile sperm. In this way zinc helps the sperm survive during its journey.

Zinc is found abundantly in semen and its addition in the supplement helps in healthy sperm quality. Zinc has been said to improve semen motility and volume. It also increases the levels of testosterone.

Pumpkin Seed Extract works as an adaptogen. It means the herbal medicine is able to improve your physical well being covering aspects such as physical, mental as well as sexual.

Modern science has found that pumpkin seed extract contains magnesium, zinc and antioxidants. All these trace minerals are good for men’s sexual health and libido. The ingredient saves the sperm from damages and thus improves the chances of fertilization.

Tribulus terrestris is one herb which is considered as a potent libido booster. 3690 mg of the ingredient has been included in the supplement which shows how emphasis the manufacturer of the supplement has given to it.

In one clinical test on people with oligospermia, it was observed a 78% improvement in the sperm count. In addition to this all the participants also noted a significant improvement in libido.

Another study which was done in the year 2019 confirmed that the ingredient enhances the levels of testosterone which is an important criteria for improving the male libido.

It is an amino acid. By the process of nitric oxide synthesis it improves the circulation of blood to the reproductive organs. The improved blood circulation reaches more and more oxygen to the organs increasing libido.

One research which was conducted in Korea among 540 cases of erectile dysfunctions showed that the ingredient cures the dysfunction and improves performance.

This ingredient has been included to regulate the stress hormone. It has been observed through scientific tests that stress increases the hormone cortisol. This cortisol is an anti-testosterone hormone which reduces the levels of testosterone significantly.

By including the ingredient the manufacturer of the supplement has ensured to curb stress levels. The result is improved libido along with less anxiety, stress with high reduction in cortisol levels.

Muira Puama is the famous Brazilian Herb which has been used for centuries to improve libido. Studies have found an increased libido in 60% men and improved sexual function in 50% men.

Muira Puama also activates the testosterone receptor and acts as a nerve stimulant.

Though Semenoll is well tolerated by most people for some it may cause a few side effects.

Click Here for the Lowest Price on Semenoll

Click Here for the Lowest Price on TestoPrime

TestoPrime is one of the top ranking libido booster pills on the online market. The manufacturer of the libido booster pill TestoPrime claims a lot of beneficial effects of the pill.

The good thing with such libido booster pills is that it claims to achieve such beneficial effects without any replacement therapy and hence without any harmful side effects.

By consuming the libido booster pills of TestoPrime the users will be able to get the beneficial effects only when they take the pills as per instruction of the manufacturer which they provide along with the packages.

The natural ingredients of this testosterone booster would stimulate the body’s natural process of testosterone production. It may be a bit tricky and scientific to understand the working of the libido booster Testoprime, but we surely would attempt to know it.

Everything succeeds only when it is based on the foundation of a solid science behind it. Let us try to know the science behind the claims of the company if any. For understanding the science of working of the libido booster pills we have to proceed through the route of the ingredients included in the pills.

Coming to its core ingredient D-Aspartic Acid, this is an amino acid and occurs naturally. Scientists have found that this ingredient contains some substances which help in the production of one hormone called LH or Luteinizing hormone.

Now this LH has a positive role in the body in increasing the production of testosterone. As and when the levels of testosterone will increase the users will start feeling a changed self with more and more libido and confidence.

Panax Ginseng again is a herbal medicine which finds wide use in the traditional system of Chinese medicine. The Chinese people have used this herb for thousands of years and cured many libido related issues. Even their kings and emperors used to take ginseng to enhance their libido and enjoy life.

When modern science tried to find the substance inside the medicine they found that it contains a large amount of antioxidants. We all know that our body produces free radicals which must be neutralized. Because such free radicals may cause many harms such as oxidative stress, damage to the tissues and organs etc.

The antioxidants of panax ginseng eliminates the free radicals and thereby reduces oxidative stress. In this way it helps in boosting the energy levels in the body. Also it can fight fatigue and chronic tiredness.

Once the users are full of energy they are motivated to do more and more hard exercises. Evidence has shown that by doing hard workouts the testosterone levels are increased and resulting in increased libido.

Ashwagandha is taken from the Indian system of medicine called ayurveda. In addition to enhancing the power of digestion the ingredient also increases the levels of testosterone.

Fenugreek is a traditional libido enhancing medicine. In clinical tests it has been found to increase the levels of testosterone in men. It also works towards increasing the rate of metabolism, stamina and drive.

Green tea extract is a famous Chinese beverage which they have used to drink ceremoniously for centuries. Seeing the high rate of longevity of the Chinese people, modern science has tried to explore the beneficial effects in it scientifically.

They could find a substance called epigallocatechin in green tea extract. In order to understand the action of this potent compound we have to know the body function of testosterone production.

The body has a natural process by which it tends to control the level of testosterone so that the testosterone level does not cross some safe limit. For this the body has a natural process of breaking down the testosterone into DTH. The potent compound found in the green tea extract has been found in tests to inhibit this process of breaking down of the testosterone and thus helps increase the levels of free testosterone.

Pomegranate Extract has one compound called polyphenol which is an antioxidant.  In addition to eliminating the free radicals and reducing the oxidative stress it also enhances the men libido and drive. It fights fatigue.

Vitamin D is an essential prescription vitamin which is often prescribed for issues related to bones and muscles. It has other beneficial effects such as improvement of mood, increasing metabolism rate and immune power. By elevating the levels of testosterone it helps in improving the libido.

Zinc is one trace mineral which the body needs in small amounts. Scientific studies have found that Zinc helps in blocking the body’s process of conversion of testosterone into the female hormone estradiol which is one of the major forms of estrogen.

Modern science could also find that the EGCG contained in the green tea extract helps to carry the zinc to the cell areas where the conversion from testosterone to estrogen takes place.

We find how intelligently the manufacturers of the libido booster pills have selected the ingredients to get the best out of them. The intelligent and scientific blending of the selected ingredients have helped the pills in enhancing the libido, strength and drive.

Vitamin B6 is included in the booster for improving the energy and cognitive abilities. This brings a feeling of well being which in turn helps to enhance the testosterone and hence libido.

Vitamin B5 is also included in the libido booster pill Testoprime, but the form of vitamin B5 is calcium pantothenate. It increases testosterone levels and helps in converting the stored fats into useful energy.

Garlic Extract is a tested ingredient in enhancing the testosterone level. It also promotes the reduction in weight and increases metabolism rate.

At last the manufacturer of TestoPrime has added black pepper extract for some purpose. It has one natural content called piperine. This ingredient is known as  a very good bioavailable ingredient. It helps in the proper absorption of the other ingredients of the libido booster Testoprime.

Click Here for the Lowest Price on TestoPrime

Click Here for the Lowest Price on Max Performer

Max Performer is one of the top sex pills for men. It is manufactured by Silver Blade Nutrition which has many other health supplements in their brand. The company was founded in the year 2015. The company is based in UK

The libido booster pill Max Performer claims that these male enhancement pills can provide the following beneficial actions to the users of the libido booster supplement:

The proper blending of niacin and red ginseng can help in improving erectile dysfunction. These ingredients are time tested as these have been used by people for centuries and lived a happy life after treating sexual dysfunctions.

The horny goat weed included in the supplement inhibits the production of PDE5 which is a hormone found in the blood. PDE5 has been found to block blood flow. By inhibiting its production the blood flow increases.

Improving stamina and energy levels

Max Performer contains many vitamins and minerals which help in fighting fatigue. The ingredients also remove stress and chronic tiredness. With improved stamina and drive you will be motivated to do more hard workouts which will improve the libido.

The aphrodisiac ingredients of the libido booster Max Performer improves sexual performance and satisfaction. The chances of pregnancy also increases.

Click Here for the Lowest Price on Max Performer

Answer: Men’s libido declines significantly after 40. As the libido declines as if all the pleasures of life go away. But it is not necessary to live such a saintly life even at middle or elderly ages.

The libido declines due to mainly low levels of testosterone which declines at the rate 1% every year in men. The other reasons such as less energy, drive and stamina also add worry to this.

The libido booster supplements can alter such conditions and enable men to enjoy life. Further such supplements are made from natural ingredients and hence have no side effects. Such ingredients are tested and used by the people for centuries which means those are time tested.

Answer: Yes. All the brands of which we have discussed in the article above offer risk free options while buying. It means that in case if you are not satisfied with the supplement even after using the supplement for a minimum period of time the company will return the purchase cost of the medicine.

Answer: The supplements are all made from natural ingredients. These are basically designed as a health drink. Like the food we have to give it some minimum time to respond. However most supplements show improvement after two weeks of time.

It is advised to continue the supplement for a longer time to harvest the maximum benefit from the supplement. There is no harm in taking the supplement continuously as it is simply a health drink containing vitamins, minerals and herbs in measured amounts beneficial for the men libido.

After all the discussion covering the scientific basis of the claims of each male libido booster and sexual enhancement pill, we can safely conclude that such supplements are good for boosting men libido.

All the ingredients of the supplements are natural and selected from reputed tested sources. As all the supplement manufacturing processes are FDA approved and the products are GMP certified the buyers can be assured of quality of the ingredients as well as the final product.

Many clinical blind tests have confirmed the efficacies of the libido booster and pills discussed above. But among all the libido boosters we consider Performer 8 as the top ranking best libido booster and pill.

Nevertheless all the other libido boosters are also equally good.

Best Female Libido Boosters: Top Pills and Gels for Women

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