If you are trying to lose weight, you are not alone. Obesity is on the rise and millions of people in the United States and all over the world share your problem.
If you are finding weight loss difficult, you are not alone in that either. Losing weight can be a major challenge. Most people need extra help. That's why over the counter (OTC) weight loss pills are so popular.
Some weight loss pills over-counter are designed to speed up your fat-burning progress. Others make weight loss easier by controlling hunger and giving your energy levels a boost. The best non-prescription weight loss pills do all these things and more, arming you with the tools necessary to dig out that slimmer, healthier person inside.
The 5 Best OTC Weight Loss Pills: Quick Look
However, although some weight loss supplements over-the-counter are exceptionally good, the truth is they are few and far between. The huge demand for dietary products that provide weight loss support has resulted in the availability of an ever-growing choice of diet pills options. Most of them are not as good as they are alleged to be and many of them have unpleasant side effects.
We understand the difficulties dieters face. We also know how easy it is to fall for misleading marketing hype so we've put together this weight loss pill buyers guide.
Our guide lists the top five over-counter diet pills available today. It explains what they do and how the ingredients enable them to do it. It also lists the other health benefits.
Once you know what a weight loss pill product does and how it works, it makes it easier to decide if it's the most appropriate option for you.
You wanted to know what the most effective over the counter weight loss pills are and the list above provides the simple answer.
Anyone can make a list though. It doesn't mean a lot until you understand why list items are included and what makes them stand out from the pack.
Ranking the best OTC Supplements for losing weight is no easy task. There are so many different things you need to take into account when choosing popular weight loss supplements
However, three of the most important ranking factors are:
"The definition of an over the counter weight loss pill is a supplement for losing weight that can be purchased without prescription. There is not a need for a doctor to prescribe the diet medication. Weight loss pills over the counter will contain natural ingredients and no chemicals or drugs."
It doesn't matter whether you are buying an effective weight loss supplement, a testosterone booster, a nootropic supplement, or some other kind of health and wellness product, manufacturer credibility is important. When you are going to put something into your body, you need to feel secure it's from a reputable company you can trust.
All the commercial weight loss supplements on our list come from reputable manufacturers that have many years of experience working in the supplement industry. Their sites make it clear who they are and where they are based.
Like all the best supplement manufacturers, they also provide an excellent level of customer service and - this one is important - money-back guarantees.
Whenever we are ranking supplements, we like to see plenty of ingredients that have proven abilities. We also expect those abilities to be a good match for the manufacturer's marketing claims.
If they say their product is a fat burner, we want to see ingredients that boost metabolism. If they say it controls hunger, we need to see some of the most effective natural appetite suppressants .
What we don't want to see is a lot of unnecessary binders and fillers. Nor do we want to see any ingredients that are likely to cause side effects. Just plenty of ingredients that can get the job done.
The best weight loss supplements will often consist of a potent appetite suppressant and ingredients to increase fat burning.
Most of the weight loss pills you can buy over the counter have not been subjected to clinical evaluation. This is largely due to a lack of requirements. Unlike weight management medications, OTC supplements are not governed by the FDA. Commercial diet supplements do not need FDA approval.
However many weight loss supplement ingredients, such as green tea extract, cayenne, and caffeine have been very well studied. They have proven value. It's ingredients like these that we expect to see.
A good natural appetite suppressant and a premium fat burner can help reduce BMI (body Mass Index) and help people lose weight quickly but safely.
Here are our reviews of the weight loss pills available to obtain over counter, in store or online. Most of the following weight loss supplements can be ordered directly from the manufacturers website.
The definition of an over the counter pill weight loss pill is a capsule that can be ordered or bought without prescription. There is not a need for a doctor to prescribe the diet medication. Weight loss pills over-the-counter will contain natural ingredients and no chemicals or drugs.
We have compared many weight loss supplements and commuted the list down to 5.
Click for Lowest Price on PhenQ
PhenQ is produced by Wolfson Brands. With more than three decades of experience in the supplement industry, it knows a thing or two about producing powerful weight reducing products that work.
PhenQ began as a substitute for phentermine and quickly became the market leader for natural alternatives for prescription medication for losing weight. That's not surprising as PhenQ offers an unparalleled level of weight loss support. Some people say using PhenQ is like having multiple weight loss pills rolled into one.
Make no mistake about it. PhenQ does work. It works very well. Since its launch in 2015, this natural fat burner and appetite suppressant has already helped more than 190,000 people to lose weight.
The PhenQ formulation targets stubborn body fat via several methods including boosting metabolism and inhibiting fresh fat cell creation. It also makes life easier by boosting energy, suppressing appetite, and enhancing mood.
PhenQ can provide significant weight loss and a reduction in excess fat if combined with a low calorie diet.
Like all the best non-prescription pills for weight loss, PhenQ speeds up your metabolism causing you to burn extra calories and fat.
Most good weight loss supplements aim to do this too but PhenQ goes a step further by making it harder for your body to replace its fat. If you've had a problem with yo-yo dieting in the past, PhenQ can help.
All the ingredients in PhenQ are good but a-Lacys Reset deserves extra attention. It provides a unique blend of alpha-lipoic acid and cysteine that revs up your metabolism and causes your body to lose extra calories as heat via thermogenesis.
PhenQ also provides Capsimax and caffeine. Both these ingredients boost metabolism too, adding to the overall fat-burning effect. However, a-Lacys Reset also helps you retain a high metabolism by increasing muscle mass.
The men and women who took part in one clinical trial lost 7.34% of their body fat and gained a 3.8% improvement in muscle mass.
As for the appetite-crushing ability of PhenQ, that's mainly due to nopal but Capsimax is tough on hunger too. Working together they're a winning team.
Capsimax is a relatively new ingredient that provides capsicum extract.
Nopal (Caralluma fimbriata) has a much longer history. In India, it's a traditional hunger cure. Research supports using nopal in this way and also shows it can reduce waist circumference even when it's going it alone.
You can only buy PhenQ from the official website but you get free shipping and a 60-day money-back guarantee.
Losing weight is never easy and it can be harder for women than it is for men. Women feel hunger more than men do. Some of the hormonal issues they have to endure during menstruation and menopause can also prime women's bodies for weight gain.
For women who are trying to become slimmer, estrogen can be a powerful foe.
Because women have extra obstacles thrown in their way, there is a lot of sense in them using a highly specialized diet pill. That's what Leanbean is. It's specially formulated to level the field and put women on an even footing with men.
Leanbean is an OTC diet pill made by Ultimate Life. The company specializes in developing supplements for women. It has no products for men.
Thanks to competitive pricing and incredible customer reviews, Leanbean is now one of the most popular female fat burners in the UK, Canada, the USA, Australia, and many other countries of the world.
When you look at the list of Leanbean ingredients, one of the things that stands out is the lack of caffeine. There's a reason for this. Caffeine has been shown to disrupt some women's hormones leading to weight gain.
Low-calorie dieting often causes fatigue so, without any caffeine, Ultimate Life had to choose alternative energy boosters instead.
Vitamins B6 and B12 work well in this role. Next time you have hold of a tin of Red Bull, take a look at the ingredient list. You'll find both of them listed there.
Turmeric is a good energy booster as well and it serves a double role in Leanbean by helping to keep unruly female hormones under control.
These abilities are due to a compound called curcumin. Unfortunately, the human digestive organs do not process it well. Ultimate life has compensated for this by adding some black pepper. It provides piperine. Research shows piperine increases curcumin absorption by 2000%.
Leanbean also provides several powerful fat burners, including green tea and cayenne, and it uses glucomannan to keep hunger under control.
Glucomannan is a proven appetite suppressant and, at one full gram per serving, Leanbean provides a very generous dose.
Leanbean is only available from the official site but it has some generous offers for multi-bottle packages along with a 90-day money-back guarantee.
Zotrim Lowest Price Click Here
Easily one of the best appetite-suppressant weight loss pills available commercially, Zotrim's credentials are excellent. Its ability to boost weight loss can be supported by five clinical trials and 10 expert-approved research papers.
Zotrim is predominantly a herbal diet pill but it also provides B vitamins and caffeine. So, as well as making it easier for you to eat less, this OTC weight loss pill also helps you avoid energy slumps and running out of steam.
Zotrim diet pill is manufactured by Health Nutrition Ltd. It's a health company that's registered in England and Wales. The company has enjoyed a lot of success with this product. It's been one of the most popular weight loss pills for more than 20 years.
Although Zotrim is primarily an appetite suppressant, the caffeine in it provides it with pretty good credentials as a fat burner as well. Zotrim can burn fat and reduce food cravings and the need to snack.
A meta-analysis published in Nutrients journal in 2019 shows even a reasonable coffee intake can provide enough caffeine to deliver a modest fat loss.
Zotrim provides caffeine from two sources - caffeine anhydrous and guarana.
Caffeine anhydrous is fast-acting. Some of the benefits (extra energy + clearer thinking) are often apparent in 20 minutes or less. Guarana is different. It releases its caffeine slowly, prolonging the stimulatory effects.
Most of Zotrim's weight loss potency is due to a unique synergy of three of the ingredients - yerba mate, damiana, and guarana.
Research from the University of Liverpool proves this combination's ability to produce "robust short-term" appetite suppression.
Other research is equally supportive and, as an additional bragging right, Zotrim has even outperformed three prescription drugs in clinical trials.
Although you used to be able to buy Zotrim in pharmacies and stores, this is no longer the case. If you want to lose weight with Zotrim, you have to get it from the official website.
It's unclear why Health Nutrition Ltd changed the state of play but it seems likely the decision may have been made to help the company avoid fraudulent claims for refunds via the Zotrim 100-day money-back guarantee.
Click for PhenGold Special Offers
When it comes to no-fuss fat burning, PhenGold gets top marks. You only need to take one dose a day. The time you take it is probably not important but, if you want to get the maximum fat burning benefit, it may be a good idea to take this over the counter weight loss pill at breakfast.
Thanks to a generous 225 mg dose of caffeine, this OTC fat burner will help you to pop open those sleepy eyes and feel extra energetic well into the day.
PhenGold doesn't provide much more caffeine than a couple of cups of coffee. It's not one of those stupidly caffeine-rich supplements that make so many dieters feel jittery and ill.
Nevertheless, the manufacturer has added an amino acid that dampens the harsher aspects of caffeine to protect against side effects. It's called L-theanine and it's also a mood enhancer that will help prevent your dieting from getting you down.
With green tea and cayenne pepper in the formulation as well, you can count on PhenGold to deliver serious improvements in fat burning.
As you may have noticed, certain ingredients come up again and again. There are plenty of other ingredients for burning fat you won't find on any lists like this one. That's because the manufacturers responsible for all the top weight loss supplements only use ingredients that have proven value.
As with all the best dietary supplements, PhenGold does not carry any dead weight. All its ingredients add something of value to the formulation and their reputation as weight loss providers is built on scientific research, not old wives' tales or vague claims shared by word of mouth.
Rhodiola is a particularly note-worthy inclusion. None of our other top OTC diet pills have this ingredient. It's a powerful Ayurvedic herb that offers a boatload of benefits, some of which will appeal to people who need help to lose weight.
Research shows Rhodiola enhances training capability and produces favorable changes in body composition - even in people living sedentary lifestyles.
PhenGold is another weight loss pill you can only get from the official website. However, the site has some very good special deals and, no matter the size of your order, you always get a 100-day money-back guarantee.
Click for Burn Lab Pro Lowest Price
Burn Lab Pro is a stimulant-free fat-burning supplement made by a leading supplement company called Opti Nutra.
In this case, Opti Nutra has opted to keep things simple, Burn Lab Pro only has five active ingredients. However, each of them packs a powerful punch so, if you choose this option, expect some dramatic results.
If you like to lift weights or train in alternative ways, Burn Lab Pro may be a particularly enticing fat burning weight loss supplement. The formulation is tailored toward people who want to burn the maximum amount of fat without losing any of their existing muscle mass. Lots of athletes swear by this product, including the Team USA powerlifter Natalie Thompson.
When you train at Natalie's level you can't afford to run out of steam in the gym. She says Burn Lab Pro helps her avoid this and allows her to stay powerful right up to her competition days. The fact that the formulation can do this without stimulants shows how special this particular supplement is.
When on cutting cycles combine with a low fat diet to really trim body weight and lose belly fat.
Burn Lab Pro is no run-of-the-mill fat burner. Although anyone can take advantage of its significant fat-burning potential, the product really comes into its own if you use it in conjunction with plenty of quality gym time or any other well-structured exercise program.
HMB is a very interesting inclusion. It's so good at protecting against muscle loss that doctors use it to treat people who are wasting away due to conditions.
HMB adds undoubted value to the Burn Lab Pro formulation. Research published online in 2019 shows supplementation with this ingredient resulted in improvements in fat loss, muscle size and strength, and also better anaerobic performance.
When it comes to supporting fat loss and protecting muscle mass, coleus forskohlii is also extremely good, and, with cayenne to boost metabolism, and black pepper to provide piperine to enhance absorption, this formulation is as clever as it is simple.
Again, if you want to use Burn Lab Pro, you will have to get it from the official site but fast shipping is standard and your purchase will have the protection of a 30-day money-back guarantee.
Here are 10 more fat burners, carb blockers and appetite reducers that didn't quite make the list - but worth a mention.
If you are serious about losing weight without being taken for a ride, we suggest you choose one of our recommended products. They didn't make our review list by accident. We thoroughly evaluated each and every one.
We evaluated many more as well but none of them were good enough to hang with our top 5.
However, if you decide to go it alone, we strongly suggest you avoid products that don't have money-back guarantees. When manufacturers are unwilling to stand behind their products, there's usually a good reason for it.
If you have a lot of weight to lose, we also suggest you take advantage of special deals such as buy two bottles and get one free, etc.
Offers like these can save you a lot of money in the long run. They also save you from having to endure a monthly re-ordering process. When you are working hard and have lost weight, it's amazing how quickly the weeks can flash by.
Do I need a weight loss pill?
Although it's possible to lose weight without the help of pills, the best diet pills can help you to lose weight faster. They can also make things easier by helping you to avoid energy slumps and constant battles with hunger.
In the end, it comes down to a personal choice. However, if you do find it difficult to go it alone, there is no shame in using a supplement that helps.
What are thermogenic fat burners?
Thermogenic fat burners are supplements that increase metabolism by causing you to lose extra energy as heat. Thermogenesis means that heat is transformed into energy allowing your body to burn fat more efficiently.
Are OTC weight loss pills better than prescription medications?
Although some prescription weight loss pills can work well, the best weight loss pills without prescription generally offer a greater level of support. Instead of focusing on only one aspect, such as appetite suppression, they offer help in additional areas as well.
The best OTC diet pills are also formulated to be side effect free. The same cannot be said for most of the popular prescription weight loss drugs.
How do I take over the counter weight loss supplements?
Without exception, it's always best to take natural weight loss pills in accordance with the manufacturer's guidelines unless your doctor suggests otherwise.
Some options only need one dose per day, others require several. Depending on the product in question, it may be best to take the pills on an empty stomach or after meals.
If you want the best results and zero side effects, read the guidelines and follow them. That's what you would do with prescription medication, it's what you should be doing with OTC supplements as well.
Is it best to take OTC dietary supplements with water or can I swallow them dry?
It's always best to take all pills with water. Apart from anything else, it makes it easier to avoid choking.
We suggest always taking your pills with at least one full glass of water. In addition to supporting easier swallowing, it will also help the pills dissolve.
If you are using over counter weight loss pills that contain glucomannan, water is especially important. Glucomannan requires adequate water to allow it to expand inside your stomach and take your hunger away.
Are diet and exercise necessary while taking weight loss supplements?
Diet and exercise should be at the heart of every weight loss program. A healthy diet is especially important. If you go on overloading your body with extra calories you will not be able to lose weight.
We appreciate that some people have mobility problems or other health issues that limit their ability to exercise. However, although you can lose weight with diet alone, exercise makes the process much faster. Use any of the top diet pills and it gets faster (and easier) still.
Can taking weight loss pills increase blood pressure?
Caffeine is an important component of many popular weight pills. If the caffeine content is too high it could result in high blood pressure. Even a small amount of caffeine can provide modest weight loss.
Where can I purchase weight loss pills over the counter?
There are many stores in the United States that sell weight loss supplements. Stores and pharmacies such as GNC, Walmart, CVS, Walgreens all stock and sell natural weight loss medication. However, most of the effective weight loss supplements are available to order directly from the manufacturers own official website. This enables the manufacturers to pass on better pricing as they do not need to add on a percentage (for GNC or Walmart).
This diet pills buyer's guide lists five of the best supplements for providing fast and efficient weight loss without side effects.
It also explains the benefits each of the weight loss solutions provide and gives information about some of the ingredients that make this possible.
In compiling our guide, we have tried to keep things as simple as possible and not overwhelm you with too much information.
We presume most of our readers are average men and women seeking weight loss, not biology students, botanists, or chemists, and feel the simple approach is best.
Even though we reduced our long list of products to just five slimming tablets, each of them has slightly different virtues that may make them more appealing to some people than others.
For instance, menopausal women will probably find Leanbean especially attractive. Men or women who are actively involved in sports or like to hit the gym regularly may prefer Burn Lab Pro.
Like the five best weight loss pills, we are all different but we are confident our guide will help you to find your perfect fat loss capsule.
However, if you still find it hard to choose, we recommend PhenQ . Of our five chosen over the counter weight loss supplements, it is the one that offers the greatest range of weight loss benefits and with 190,000+ satisfied customers and counting, it's likely to remain the best non-prescription weight loss pill for 2022 and beyond.