Centella Asiatica: Health Benefits, Uses And Side Effects Of Gotu Kola | TheHealthSite.com

2022-08-19 22:01:40 By : Ms. Zhang Nancy

Written by Tavishi Dogra | Updated : August 19, 2022 7:37 PM IST

The plant known as Gotu kola (Centella Asiatica) belongs to the Centella genus. It has a long narrative of use in Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine. Certain compounds found in Gotu kola appear to lower blood pressure and oedema. Additionally, it boosts collagen formation, which could be advantageous for wound healing. People use Gotu kola to treat burns and impaired circulation, which can cause varicose veins. Additionally, it treats scars, stretch marks, and numerous other ailments, but most of these applications lack solid scientific backing. Neelam Ali, Dietician, Noida International Institute Medical Sciences, shares the uses and side effects of consuming Centella Asiatica.

There's interest in using gotu kola for various other uses, but there is not enough reliable data to determine whether it will be beneficial.

Also Read Gotu Kola: Health Benefits, Side Effects, Uses and More More News

Gotu kola is conceivably safe when administered topically for up to 10 weeks. After that, redness and itching could result from it. Applying Gotu kola topically to the skin while pregnant may be safe. The safety of taking Gotu kola orally while pregnant is unknown due to insufficient solid information. Avoid using to be on the safe side.

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