KARACHI: The Finance Act, 2022 has amended provisions of Customs Act, 1969 to grant exemption and concessions from customs duty.
Following are the exemptions and concessions of customs duty:
Exemption of Customs Duty and Additional Customs Duty
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Customs Duty (CD) leviable on the import of following categories of items / sectors is exempted for incentivizing the respective sectors:
– Machinery and capital goods for mechanization of farming including machinery pertaining to irrigation, drainage, harvesting, plant protection etc.
– Specified raw materials used for manufacturing of LED lights, LED bulbs (including parts thereof) and brush ware.
– 26 Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients for incentivizing Pharmaceutical manufacturers.
– Raw materials for manufacture of first aid bandages.
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– Membranes for filtering / purifying water.
– The drug ‘Grafalon’ and gadget ‘Irisvision’.
– Raw materials of Ivy leaves extract powders.
– Cinematographic equipment imported during the period commencing on the 1st July, 2018 and ending on the 30th June, 2023.
– Bullet proof vehicles and jammers imported by Federal Government, Provincial Government or such states and territories as are or may be included in Pakistan.
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– Smartphones including those in CKD/SKD condition (subject to certain conditions prescribed for import of CKD/SKD units).
In addition to CD, Additional Customs Duty (ACD) is also exempted on import of the following goods:
– Raw materials imported by paper sizing industry and chlorinated paraffin wax industry and manufacturers of aluminum conductor composite cores.
– Stamping foils for manufacturing of optic fiber cables.
– Aluminum paste and powder imported by the Coating industry.
– Guts, bladders and stomachs of animals.
Reduction in Customs Duty and Additional Customs Duty
CD leviable on import of following goods is reduced:
– Specified categories of other woven fabrics and artificial flowers / foliage of other materials imported by manufacturers of footwear.
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– High-density fiber (HDF) boards of wood or other ligneous materials
– Through the Finance Bill, CD was proposed to be reduced on 10 categories of direct and reactive dyes. Such reduction in CD has now been restricted to 6 categories through the Act.
In addition to CD, ACD, leviable on import of following goods is also reduced:
– Glycerol crude and Glycerol for the coating industry.
– Goods pertaining to Aluminum, polymers of ethylene, Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene (BOPP) used by the packing industry.
– Adhesive, Epoxide resins, Filter media/ paper, Non-woven fabric media and Steel plates / sheets of prime quality imported by manufacturers of filters, other than automotive.
– Organic composite solvents and thinners imported by manufacturers of Dibutyl Orthophthalates.
– Plywood, veneered panels & similar laminated wood, poly (methyl methacrylate) and cyanoacrylate.
– Flavoring powders for food preparation for snacks manufacturers.
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