Published: 14:10 EDT, 23 March 2012 | Updated: 11:36 EDT, 22 May 2017
For those with an aversion of Botox and cosmetic surgery – it could be the perfect solution.
A new alternative to going under the knife and the needle is set to go sale on the British high street this week.
It contains extracts of the Chinese 'miracle herb' Gynostemma Pentaphyllum, which is dubbed 'magic grass' by people in Asia because of its anti-aging qualities.
The Freeze 24/7 range, which has developed a cult following in the U.S. is to go on sale exclusively at Debenhams
Such is the hype surrounding the Freeze 24-7 range, it sold $200,000 on its first day in America, while hundreds of women have pre-ordered it here.
Its Instant Target Wrinkle Treatment has been dubbed 'Botox in a jar' and has been scientifically proven to reduce lines and wrinkles in minutes.
Debenhams will sell the entire range but a spokesman described the wrinkle treatment, which costs £40 for 10 ml, as the 'hero product'.
The cream has been on sale in the UK some years ago, but this is the first time the full range will be on sale - and it is exclusive to the department store.
Debenhams spokesman added Katie Holmes, Halle Berry, Penelope Cruz, Fergie and Marcia Cross were among the star fans of creams.
Actresses Halle Berry, right, and Marcia Cross are said to be fans of the cream
The Instant Target Wrinkle Treatment has been tested independently by the AMA Laboratories which found consumers experienced as much as a 90 per cent reduction in wrinkles within ten minutes.
The initial effects are temporary but the clinical trials also found that those using it for more than 28 days said they noticed their lines were softer – even after they stopped using the product.
Freeze 24/7 counts Katie Holmes, Halle Berry and Penelope Cruz as fans
Cosmetics supervisor Michelle Dempsey, who first bought the product in America, said: ‘I have tried most of the age defying and anti-wrinkle creams ever produced, and I firmly believed that they are all of a "muchness" regardless of price.
'But I was astounded when I tried it and watched my deep wrinkles disappear, and with regular use they have softened altogether.
'They say the proof is in the pudding, and from I started using it, my friends and colleagues have asked me am I using a different foundation or have I had a facial treatment.’
The Instant Target Wrinkle Treatment combines the Gamma Aminobutryic Acid, which is a muscle relaxant found naturally in the body, with extracts of the herb Gynostemma Pentaphyllum.
Used in Chinese medicine it is an anti-oxidant and boosts circulation and the immune system.
Combined in this cream, the GABA complex has a short term effect where muscles are relaxed on the face giving the appearance of smoother skin at the surface, while the Gynostemma Pentaphyllum has a longer term effect boosting skin cell renewal.
The American website for the product has a number of before and after photographs to illustrate the products' effect
The treatment also has pomegranate and tangerine extracts, which are also anti-oxidants.
It comes at a time when many people are turning their back on Botox and opting to try and find non- invasive alternatives.
Kylie Minogue, Amanda Holden, and Joan Collins are among those who have tried the treatment but were put off by the pain or the effect it had on their faces.
The market in the forehead freezing drug is worth almost £18 million in the UK alone.
But recent research revealed that one of side-effects is that if you use it a lot, or have it injected by an inexperienced practitioner, Botox can actually give you wrinkles.
Cosmetic experts have noted that knocking out some of the facial muscles can bring others into play, which could cause lines in places where it has not been injected.
She says: The Targeted Instant Wrinkle Treatment has really improved my skin. The results are almost instant and I’ve noticed a reduction in furrow lines and wrinkles. My skin has a radiant glow. I don’t want fillers or any injections so this is a good alternative.
People do comment on how young I look and how healthy my skin looks. You don’t need a lot to make it work for you and compared to cosmetic procedures it is really good value.
There’s a lot of pressure for women to stay looking good but I also want to feel good within myself.
These days 50 is the new 30 and people put a lot of effort into keeping youthful. I think it’s a great product.
I used to order it through friends in America so I’m really pleased it’s here.
She says: I was offered a trial and was surprised by how effective this cream is. I don’t feel ready for things like Botox or chemical peels. I don’t like the sound of them so I was looking for something different.
It’s an affordable option compared to fillers and my skin looks smoother and softer after I’ve used it.
With this the change in my face was almost immediate – I like that I can look in the mirror and see a difference.
When you put the cream it almost has a numbing effect but colleagues and friends have commented on how good I look.
• The Freeze 24-7 range is available on sale exclusively at Debenhams from March 28.
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