How To Get Rid of A Hangover: Tips & Tricks

2022-08-19 22:06:22 By : Mr. Edgar Zhou

When you wake up the following day after a night of heavy drinking, the harmful consequences of alcohol on your body are more apparent than ever. Excessive indulgence of alcohol may cause a variety of unpleasant indications and symptoms, which we collectively refer to as a “hangover.” In addition to making you feel terrible, frequent hangovers have been linked to poor job performance and conflict. Excessive alcohol consumption increases your likelihood of a groggy morning, and unpleasant symptoms include nausea, a dry mouth, muscle aches, headaches, and exhaustion.

Depending on a person’s gender, weight, and how much alcohol they consume, the quantity of alcohol the body absorbs every hour may vary significantly. While some individuals get a hangover after only one alcoholic beverage, others may drink a lot and never have one.

In the first few minutes after your first drink, alcohol enters your circulation, which your digestive system metabolizes, starting in your stomach and ending in your liver. Acetaldehyde, a result of alcohol metabolism, is a harmful byproduct your body strives to eliminate.

How you feel, how quickly you metabolize acetaldehyde, and how quickly you can eliminate it may significantly impact how you feel. People have different rates of acetaldehyde metabolism.

Even though it’s significantly inconvenient, most hangovers subside after a few hours or, sometimes, in a day or two. However, by drinking wisely, you can prevent hangovers. You can try CBD gummies instead, It would give you for a different high. 

A hangover is a series of symptoms that develop as a result of consuming excess alcohol. You may experience various symptoms, such as a feeling of exhaustion and a rise in your blood pressure, as a result of your overindulgence. Any one person’s experience with a hangover might vastly differ from another’s.

As alcohol interferes with the hormones that control our biological clocks, a hangover might seem like a bout of jet lag. It may also be a symptom of sleep deprivation since alcohol disrupts brain function while you sleep. 

Alcohol is the primary cause of a hangover. However, additional components of alcoholic drinks may contribute to or worsen hangover symptoms.

There are some molecules other than ethyl alcohol that are created during the process of fermentation — these are called congeners. The presence of these additives enhances alcoholic drinks’ flavor and aroma. The congeners in darker drinks like bourbon, which are more prevalent than in clear spirits, may exacerbate the effects of a hangover. Similarly, sulfite, a preservative ingredient, is added to wine to keep it fresh. Drinking wine will likely give you a headache if you’re sensitive to sulfites.

From a physiological standpoint, hangovers are a collective bunch of symptoms, as no one symptom constitutes a hangover by itself. In most cases, the first signs of a hangover appear after your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) starts dropping to zero. Usually, they’re at their most potent the morning after a night of excessive drinking.

The traditional signs and symptoms include diarrhea, exhaustion, headache, and trembling. “Fight-or-flight” responses may cause blood vessels to expand, blood pressure to rise, the heart to beat quicker than usual, and sweat glands to overproduce. Light and sound might cause sensitivity in certain individuals. Others experience vertigo and feel like they’re spinning out of control.

As bad as hangover symptoms might be, they’re typically harmless in the long run. However, if you’re experiencing more severe symptoms, it’s possible you may be suffering from alcohol poisoning. Alcohol poisoning is a dire situation and should be treated as a medical emergency.

The worst symptoms of alcohol poisoning may be life-threatening. A person who has been drinking heavily should be sent to an emergency room if they display any of these indicators: seizures, vomiting, confusion, slow breathing (below eight breaths per minute), and irregular breathing. Other symptoms include hypothermia, difficulty remaining conscious or being woken up if already unconscious, or a blue tint or pallor to the skin.

An unconscious individual, or one unable to be woken, might be in a life-threatening position. Even if you don’t observe the usual signs and symptoms of alcohol poisoning, you should seek immediate medical attention if you have any suspicions.

A variety of factors may cause hangovers:

Acetaldehyde exposure: Exposure to the toxin acetaldehyde, a short-lived consequence of alcohol metabolism, causes inflammation in the gastrointestinal system, brain, pancreas, liver, and other organs. It is especially harmful to children.

Disrupted sleep: People who consume alcohol fall asleep more quickly, but their sleep gets disrupted, and they wake up sooner than normal. Fatigue and decreased productivity are both a result of this.

Gastrointestinal irritation: Alcohol immediately irritates the stomach lining, producing increased stomach acid. This might cause stomach cramps and nausea.

Mini-withdrawal: The brain rapidly adapts to the pleasant effects of drinking as it strives to maintain a state of equilibrium, resulting in a “mini-withdrawal.” It’s possible to feel more restless and nervous after the high wears off than before you had alcohol.

Mild dehydration: Alcohol inhibits the brain hormone vasopressin’s production, which sends signals to the kidneys, making them retain fluid. To put it another way, drinking alcohol causes an increase in urine and an overflow of fluids. The ensuing minor dehydration probably plays a role in developing hangover symptoms such as thirst, exhaustion, and headaches.

Inflammation: Alcohol causes the body to become more inflamed. When you’re unwell, inflammation may make you feel lousy, and therefore inflammation may contribute to hangover symptoms.

From vitamin B to pickle juice, we’ve all tried a variety of treatments to cure hangovers for nearly as long as we’ve experienced them. Even if some hangover cures are more effective than others, none of them is a miracle way to cure a hangover completely. Limiting your alcohol consumption or abstaining altogether are the two ways to prevent a hangover. Also, if your career or relationships are suffering because of frequent hangovers, you should see a professional about your drinking.

However, a few hangover remedies might help relieve hangover symptoms. Here are some wellness tips to get you started.

There are many ways in which consuming alcohol may cause dehydration. Alcohol has a diuretic effect, which means that it causes the body to excrete more urine. This may result in fluid and electrolyte loss, which harms your health. 

Additionally, fluid and electrolyte loss is possible if heavy alcohol consumption is combined with vomiting or diarrhea. Increased thirst, exhaustion, headache, and dizziness are all frequent side effects of a hangover that may be exacerbated by dehydration. Hence, you may alleviate hangover symptoms by increasing your water intake, and it may even help you avoid them altogether.

You should alternate alcoholic drinks with water to keep your body hydrated. While this won’t stop you from dehydrating, it may help you control how much alcohol you consume. So, drink plenty of water the rest of the day to keep yourself well-hydrated.

Drinking excess alcohol may lead to dehydration, which can cause some more severe hangovers. You can reduce hangover symptoms, including thirst, weariness, headache, and dizziness, by staying hydrated.

Studies report excessive drinking and persistent usage can cause sleep problems. Alcohol-induced sleep disruptions may diminish some people’s sleep quality and duration. Drinking alcohol in moderation might help you combat this and better your sleep. 

If you don’t get enough sleep, your hangover will be worse. Sleep deprivation may heighten symptoms such as exhaustion, headaches, and irritability. You may alleviate hangover symptoms by getting a good night’s sleep and allowing your body to recuperate.

Drinking excess alcohol may upset your body’s chemical equilibrium and lead to metabolic acidosis, defined by high acidity levels in your blood. Nausea, vomiting, and exhaustion are common symptoms. Low blood sugar levels may heighten the effects of hangover symptoms like nausea, exhaustion, and weakness.

One of the best ways to combat a hangover is to have a full breakfast. You can keep your blood sugar levels in check by having a healthy breakfast. According to some studies, maintaining proper blood sugar levels can mitigate acid accumulation in the blood. So, although low blood sugar levels don’t cause a hangover, they’re often linked to it.

Several investigations on the impact of certain foods on hangover symptoms have shown that L-cysteine, an amino acid present in eggs, yogurt, and oats, could be useful. Consuming more zinc-rich foods, such as nuts, seeds, eggs, dairy, and whole grains, might also lessen the intensity of a hangover.

In addition to helping to keep blood sugar levels stable and providing essential vitamins and minerals, eating a healthy breakfast may also help alleviate the effects of a hangover by reducing their severity.

Studies have shown that some vitamins may help alleviate the effects of a hangover. Some of them are:

Eleuthero: Eleuthero extract, often known as Siberian ginseng, was proven to relieve several hangover symptoms and lessen their overall intensity when taken as a dietary supplement.

Borage oil:  In one research study, 88% of participants reported lessening or eliminating their hangover symptoms after taking an oil made from starflower seeds and prickly pear extracts.

Prickly pear: According to certain studies, the prickly pear cactus may be useful in treating hangovers. Prickly pear extract lessens the effects of a hangover, according to research from 2004. Additionally, there was a 50% reduction in the probability of severe symptoms.

Ginger: A mixture of ginger, brown sugar and tangerine extract could alleviate some of the negative effects of a hangover. According to animal and test-tube research, ginger’s components may help protect you from alcohol-induced liver damage.

Red ginseng: Taking red ginseng may help ease symptoms of a hangover, according to some research.

It’s important to keep in mind that human research is sparse and that most of the studies that have been conducted are outdated. Therefore, it’s always recommended to do additional research to determine if vitamins might help alleviate hangover symptoms.

Some supplements, including red ginseng, prickly pear and ginger, borage oil, and eleuthero, have been tested for their capacity to alleviate hangover symptoms. Even yet, additional, modern study is required.

Pain relievers, or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as Ibuprofen, may be able to alleviate some hangover symptoms. Taking ibuprofen or aspirin can reduce feelings of discomfort from hangover-related symptoms, such as headaches and muscular pains.

One research revealed that a clinical medicine combining naproxen and fexofenadine greatly decreased the hangover intensity compared to the placebo. If you have nausea or stomach discomfort, you should avoid taking these drugs since they might irritate your digestive system and make you feel worse. 

Additionally, users should note to not take Tylenol, as it would only worsen the toxic effects of acetaminophen on your liver.

Many traditional Chinese medicines have long relied on this root. Ginseng has been known to treat stress and asthma, amongst many other problems that herbalists treat with it. One study found that a drink containing red ginseng reduced the effects of a hangover. Unrelated Siberian ginseng extract, which has the same name, also eased symptoms, including headaches, dizziness, and stomach discomfort.

For the most part, ginseng is completely safe to take. Patients with diabetes or high blood pressure should see their physician before using this supplement. According to some research, it may affect blood sugar and blood pressure.

Along the shores of tropical countries, you’ll find this therapeutic plant, which is effective in treating liver, kidneys, and stomach diseases. According to a small, preliminary study, taking Phyllanthus extract twice daily for 10 days reduced blood alcohol levels, eased hangover symptoms, and improved mood in habitual drinkers.

Extracts of this plant are available both online and at health food shops. The “stone breaker” herb is a common name for several of these items, and the reason for this is that it may help minimize the chance of kidney stone formation.

Drinks derived from dark liquors include congeners, which are the chemicals that arise when alcohol is distilled. Because bourbon and whiskey have a higher congener level than clear liquors like vodka, their hangovers may be harsher than those of clear liquors. However, vodka may still give you a pretty nasty hangover due to its high ethanol volume.

Juice made from Korean pears (Asian pears) is a traditional hangover cure. According to studies, drinking roughly 7 1/2 ounces of water may help decrease blood alcohol levels and ease the effects of a hangover. The only problem is that you have to consume it before you have any alcohol to get its benefits, and it’s not going to work if you drink it afterward.

According to some studies, Korean pears may help your body’s chemistry break down alcohol more quickly. A little research has been done. However, this hangover treatment has not been shown to work. The only harm is in trying a big glass of Korean pear juice before you go out drinking if you can buy it at your local store.

There is less of a possibility of a hangover when you drink less often and in smaller amounts. Drinking alcohol raises the risk of high blood pressure and vehicle accidents, among other things. Adults of legal drinking age should either abstain from or limit their use of alcohol to maintain a healthy living. As a result, men and women should each restrict their alcohol consumption to no more than two drinks daily. After all, you can’t get a hangover if you never drink to intoxication.

Another way to achieve this is by remembering that the body can only metabolize alcohol at a rate of about one alcoholic drink (an average can of beer) every hour. So, to avoid getting drunk, learn to pace your drinks to avoid overwhelming your liver. You’ll thank us for this piece of advice in the morning.

As we’ve mentioned above, alcohol has a diuretic effect that causes dehydration. Hence, alternating between drinking water and alcohol is a simple trick to counter that effect. It might not completely prevent all the hangover symptoms, but it will keep them from getting as bad as they would be otherwise.

The European Journal of Clinical Nutrition recently published research that found excessive alcohol depletes the body’s supply of vitamin B, which may explain many typical symptoms.

Vitamin B’s job is to maintain the neurological and immunological systems in good working order and provide energy. Vitamin B deficiency may cause tiredness and decreased energy levels. A lean protein source like turkey bacon and an English muffin with whole-grain flour are two options experts recommend for alcoholics who can’t seem to shake their need for breakfast sandwiches.

Specialists say that Vitamin C is another one to keep in mind while trying to recover from a hangover. A 2015 study published in Alcohol Research Current Reviews showed a link between alcohol use and a weaker immune system, which hinders the body’s capacity to protect itself. Prevent colds, viruses, and alcohol-related diseases by eating enough vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables, such as broccoli, which, according to the USDA, contains 135% of the recommended dose per cup. Choose fruits and vegetables such as oranges, strawberries, red bell peppers, and kiwis.

Some people refer to “the hair of the dog” or “hair of the dog that bit you” when they drink to alleviate the symptoms of their alcohol hangover. The idea is that hangovers are a sort of alcohol withdrawal; thus, a few drinks will help alleviate the symptoms.

Alcohol and sedatives like diazepam (Valium) affect GABA receptors on brain cells. Short-acting sedatives might cause some individuals to experience withdrawal symptoms when they wear off. Similarly, when a person’s blood alcohol level drops, it’s possible that their brain has a comparable reaction, and having a small drink to alleviate some of the symptoms may work.

While this method may have some merit, we strongly discourage the use of more alcohol as a hangover treatment. The dog’s hair only furthers the cycle, preventing you from regaining your health.

A cup of coffee may help alleviate some hangover symptoms, such as pounding headaches. On the other hand, caffeine hasn’t been the subject of much scientific study about hangovers.

The results of one study on mice suggest that caffeine may be effective in treating hangover headaches. While another lab study conversely discovered that coffee might slow the pace of ethanol metabolism, which might possibly worsen hangovers. In the absence of human studies, there is no conclusive scientific evidence that you can alleviate the effects of a hangover if you drink coffee.

Another phrasing of this idea is “beer before liquor, never sicker.” There is no correlation between one’s hangover severity and the sequence in which they consumed their alcoholic beverages. Instead, the quantity of alcohol you consume counts more, and you’ll experience a worse hangover, the more you drink. Additionally, feeling inebriated or throwing up after consuming alcohol may be greater indicators of how bad your hangover will be.

Therefore, drinking more will just elevate the effects of your hangover.

We’ve heard people say that it’s amazing how much of a difference a shot of salty, sour juice makes to the whiskey aftertaste! Aside from this, people have also used the emerald brine as an excellent hangover treatment. So, can pickle juice really cure a hangover?

Experts say it’s unlikely. Pickle juice includes salt and potassium, two vital electrolytes your body may lose after a few glasses of pinot grigio or shots of whiskey. It doesn’t imply that drinking pickle juice to resupply your electrolytes truly works. There is no meaningful data to support the claim when it comes to speeding up recovery from a hangover. It’s not because of the electrolytes in a sports drink like Gatorade or other electrolyte-rich beverages that they “help” for hangovers. Rather, it’s because they hydrate you.

Drinking more water is healthy, and pickle juice may help you do that. Increased salt levels may boost blood pressure, one of sodium’s potential side effects. Sodium may exacerbate digestive problems, including gas, stomach pain, and diarrhea by causing fluid retention, bloating, and edema.

However, a small study tracked nine runners to determine whether pickle juice may help avoid cramps or improve their training performance and found that it had no impact. Pickle juice drinkers did not vary much from those who drank ordinary water.

If you would like to spice things up a notch, you can try recipes such as weed butter, you can learn how to make weed butter . For dessert we hope you would like something chocolaty, we also have the recipe on how to make weed brownies if you would like to check that out. These would result in no hangover at all. 

Despite the prevalence of internet and social media mentions of hangover cures, no one has been able to verify that any of them work. No miraculous hangover cure exists; only time can do that. Your best bet is a hangover remedy. Rehydration, healing of inflamed tissue, and normalizing immune and brain function are all processes that must take place for the body to recover from alcohol abuse. A hangover will not go away by drinking, showering, or having another drink the following day. The hard truth is that there is no method to speed up the brain’s recovery from alcohol.

Taking acetaminophen (an over-the-counter pain killer) before bed may help keep hangovers to a minimum. However, please note that the combination of alcohol and acetaminophen don’t go well together and may harm the liver. Aspirin and Ibuprofen, two common over-the-counter pain medicines, may increase stomach acid production and irritate the lining, much like alcohol. Use caution before or after taking these drugs to avoid overdosing on the alcohol.

Some individuals utilize electrolyte-rich sports drinks, other goods, or intravenous (IV) therapies to address electrolyte imbalances induced by drinking and increased urine. Regarding the intensity of hangovers, research hasn’t revealed any association between electrolyte abnormalities and hangover severity. Once the effects of alcohol wear off, the body rapidly returns to normal electrolyte balance in most individuals.

Ultimately, we’ve found that limiting your drinking or abstaining entirely is the best way to prevent a hangover. However, should you be plagued by a particularly nasty hangover, we hope this guide provides you with enough solutions and remedies to help you. Cheers!