, Jakarta - Echinacea, a herbal flower plant that has been used for more than 400 years to treat various disease conditions.At least, there are three species of Echinacea that are commonly used, namely Echinacea pallida, Echinacea angustifolia, and Echinacea purpurea.The content of Echinacea Purpurea is known to help prevent infectious diseases in the upper and lower respiratory systems.This herbal flower plant contains alkamides, caffeine acid, glycoprotein, polysaccharides, and good content for anti-inflammatory activity, as well as immune stimulation.The Echinacea Purpurea plant is well known for improving the immune system, as well as reducing flu symptoms, infections, and coughs.The following is a review of the benefits of Echinacea as summarized by Jovee.Reducing Symptoms of Mental Health DisordersEchinacea contains an antidepressant that has been proven by the Budapest Institute for Experimental Medicine.Research shows that the level of anxiety in adults decreases after consumption for seven days.However, to treat anxiety ADD or ADHD can only use the plant Echinacea angustifolia.According to studies, the main benefit of this one herbal plant is to reduce inflammation and the risk of infectious diseases.The content in this plant is useful as an immune booster.With the better immunity, the person will more easily ward off various diseases, especially infectious diseases.A study conducted by the University of Connecticut proved that consuming Echinacea can reduce flu infections by up to 58 percent.In fact, Echinacea is not only able to reduce the chance of contracting the flu, but also the duration of colds can be reduced by up to half a day.Various forms of inflammation have been proven to be suppressed, even slowed down by consuming extracts from the Echinacea plant.This is evidenced through research by the University of British Columbia.In addition, Echinacea plant extracts are also useful in treating uveitis complaints.Uveitis is an inflammatory condition of the eye that causes it to turn red.This was stated by the National Institute of Health through a health report on the Echinacea plant that it released.You can consume herbal teas containing Echinacea to get these benefits.Enjoying the metropolitan atmosphere of Surabaya with the sparkling city lights at night or enjoying the heat of the city during the day, it is also necessary to visit to enjoy the City of Heroes from the side of the local wisdom of the plants which are processed into herbal concoctions.* Fact or Hoax?To find out the truth of the information circulating, please WhatsApp to the Fact Check number 0811 9787 670 just by typing the desired keyword.Fight Bacterial and Parasite InfectionsThis herbal plant is widely extracted and used as a medicinal cream to treat various infections.One of the infections that can be treated, namely vaginal infections, can be reduced by 16 percent.This is due to the nature of the Echinacea plant which can inhibit the development of the fungus Candida albicans.This plant has the ability to inhibit the development and growth of P. acnes bacteria which can cause inflammation, such as acne on the face.Echinacea plant extracts can suppress the breakdown of collagen due to free radicals.According to research from Armando G. Stuart, PhD, Echinacea plant extracts are useful in overcoming skin inflammation, healing wounds, and overcoming insect bites.One of the valuable ingredients of the Echinacea plant is a phytochemical that is useful as a tumor-preventing agent.In fact, research released by the National Institute of Health proves that so far the phytochemical content has only been found in the Echinacea plant.Besides being useful as an agent that fights tumors, the content in Echinacea extract can overcome cancer.Therefore, natural treatments for cancer therapy are now using Echinacea plant extracts.The antioxidant activity was found to be very high in the extract of the Echinacea plant which contains alkamides and cichoric acid compounds.These two compounds are said to be typical compounds found in the Echinacea plant.Research shows that the powerful antioxidant content of this plant is found in the root extract of Echinacea.It is closely related to cichoric acid and phenolic content.In fact, research shows that the content of cichoric acid compounds is more effective and efficient as an antioxidant agent compared to flavonoid compounds and rosmarinic acid.Flavonoid compounds themselves are antioxidant compounds that have long been known to be useful in dealing with free radicals.Although the content of alkamides compounds has not been proven as an antioxidant agent, their presence can increase the activity of cichoric acid.With the increasing activity of cichoric acid, the antioxidant capacity of Echinacea plants will increase.* READ OTHER LATEST NEWS ON GOOGLE NEWS