Lots of sunshine. High 77F. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph..
Partly cloudy skies early will give way to cloudy skies late. Low 61F. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph.
Noocube is a popular nootropic supplement. It's possible you may have already heard about the many brain-boosting benefits it provides. Maybe that's why you are reading this Noocube review.
Then again, perhaps you are suffering from brain fog or simply seeking some form of cognitive boost and your search for a solution has brought you to this analysis.
Regardless of the reasons that may have brought you here, our review provides you with all the Noocube pros and cons. By the time you have finished reading it, you will be in a better position to decide if Noocube is the best nootropic to help you improve cognitive function.
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Noocube is a versatile high-potency nootropic supplement manufactured in the UK and USA by Wolfson Brands. In common with all the other top nootropic products, Noocube is an oral supplement that comes in the form of a pill.
Read More Noocube Real Reviews and Testimonials
Nootropic supplements are also known as smart pills. "Brain pills" is another name people sometimes use. Both options are equally descriptive because nootropic supplements like Noocube provide ingredients that support improvements in brain health and overall cognitive function, helping you to improve your smarts.
The term nootropic can also be applied to certain drugs, such as Adderall and similar amphetamine medications. People often call such options smart drugs. This term is sometimes used for nootropic supplements, even though they are all-natural products that do not contain any chemicals or drugs.
Like all the best nootropic supplements Noocube provides a combination of herbs and botanical extracts that increase cerebral circulation and influence brainwave activity and thought flow for the better. The formulation provides a few brain-boosting vitamins and amino acids as well.
Working together, the Noocube ingredients help you to think more clearly and deliver other desirable cognitive improvements such as better memory and superior multi-tasking abilities.
Noocube is designed to provide cognitive support to healthy adults who are aged 18+. Typical Noocube users include students, business people, and high-achievers from all walks of life.
Regardless of whether you are struggling with a complex design concept, trying to attain greater productivity, or cramming for an exam, this nootropic supplement can help. It enhances thought processing and improves memory and creativity by gently switching your brain into top gear.
Noocube is also one of the best nootropics for stress reduction and preventing burnout. You don't have to be a high-achiever to use it though. Noocube is the perfect choice for anyone who wants to retrain their brain to think more clearly and retain maximum concentration and focus.
Although it was not created for this reason, Noocube is also very popular with people who are seeking natural over the counter alternatives to Adderall , Ritalin, Vyvanse and similar drugs.
Adderall and Ritalin are prescription treatments for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy.
Both options work well for many people but the benefits may come at a price. In addition to having many side effects, these drugs can be habit-forming and also present a threat of addiction.
Because Noocube provides benefits that are similar to these drugs, yet has no known side effects, a lot of people who used to use prescription pharmaceutical products are now using it instead.
The dose is two capsules per day. You take them for breakfast. Should the need arise and your tolerance is good, it's permissible to take up to four capsules per day. However, four capsules per day is the top line. Taking more would not be smart.
It is best not to take Noocube on an empty stomach.
According to the official website, Noocube delivers the following mental improvements:
Improved brain function and cognitive performance
Many Noocube customer reviews mention improvements like these, so all of the promises appear to hold true.
Noocube provides 13 natural ingredients that are scientifically proven to enhance neurotransmitter activity and improve neuron signaling.
The ingredients in Noocube also enhance brain chemistry in additional ways. Working together, these ingredients help you to overcome mental fatigue, poor memory recall, and all the other obstacles that can impair your thinking, reduce your productivity, and prevent you from being at the top of your game.
Each (2-capsule) dose of Noocube provides 13 key ingredients:
Some of the ingredients in Noocube are provided as high-potency concentrates. You can identify these by the numbers with colons that appear next to them.
For instance, Bacopa Monnieri is a "12:1" extract that is concentrated to 12 times normal potency. Extracts like these are becoming increasingly common in mental energy supplements because using them makes it easier for manufacturers to make higher potency products while also keeping the pill size reasonably small.
Moving forward with the review, let's take a look at some of the things each Noocube ingredient brings to the table.
As you may know, this B vitamin also goes by the name thiamine. Regardless of how you refer to it, Vitamin B1 is an important nutrient the body uses in a variety of roles.
One thing Vitamin B1 does is support energy metabolism. All B vitamins share this virtue. That's why you can find them in so many brands of energy drinks.
Functioning as a nootropic, Vitamin B1 enhances mood and improves concentration. Its abilities as a mood-enhancing vitamin are so well respected that many people refer to it as a "morale vitamin." [1]
This is another B Vitamin that has an alternative name. It's also known as Biotin and is generally associated with healthy skin, nails, and hair. Many beauty products are fortified with Vitamin B7.
As for its nootropic capabilities, Vitamin B7 will work well alongside Vitamin B1 because it shares its ability to improve mood. Vitamin B7 is also one of the best nutrients for improving memory and overall brain function.
Researchers have discovered Vitamin B7 is such a key player in mental health that deficiencies may lead to severe forms of neurodegeneration such as the frontotemporal dementia that is typically seen in people suffering from Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. [2]
As with the other two B vitamins in Noocube, one of the things Vitamin B12 does is increase energy. It also shares their ability to enhance mood and boost brain function.
The relationship between Vitamin B12 and mood is not surprising when you discover one of the things it does is support the production of important neurotransmitters including dopamine and serotonin.
Serotonin is famous for being the "feel-good hormone." If you were unaware of this well-known fact, consider this your lesson for the day. [3]
Dopamine is also an important pleasure hormone. Most of the things that can provide enjoyment, from eating a tasty meal to receiving a passionate kiss, trigger dopamine release. [4]. A great inclusion in the Noocube natural ingredients profile.
Many people will tell you Bacopa monnieri is one of the best natural nootropics. Those people are right. It's an extremely versatile nootropic herb.
Among other things, Bacopa monnieri is good for calming the nerves and helping you to relax. It's also known to be capable of supporting significant improvements in memory retention.
Bacopa monnieri's ability to affect memory is well researched. The results of one study are particularly interesting.
During the initial study, the researchers noted the herb's ability to help people retain new information. It would be very easy to presume this was due to enhancements in learning ability.
However, the researchers also did some follow-up tests. The results of these tests suggest Bacopa monnieri may improve memory by reducing forgetfulness. [5]
Cat's claw is the common name for Uncaria tomentosa. It's a species of woody vine that grows in certain tropical jungles. Extracts from the vine are present in numerous nootropic supplements. The ones that have it probably far outnumber the ones that don't.
Cat's claw provides potent antioxidants that boast strong neuroprotective qualities. When it comes to improving brain health and cognitive ability, cat's claw extracts are pretty hard to beat. They can hang with the best and a great inclusion in the Noocube formula
Although scientists already know a lot about this popular nootropic, research is ongoing. There still may be a lot to learn.
One research paper, published quite recently in Scientific Reports (February 2019), suggests cat's claw may help prevent brain aging and Alzheimer's disease. [6]
Now we've done the claw, it's time to take a look at the straw. In this case, it's the grassy stem that has the job of supporting oat heads.
If you thought one straw is pretty much the same as another, you got that wrong. Oat straw is anything but a throwaway item.
Oat straw is high in health-boosting antioxidants (avenanthramides). It also boasts an array of other beneficial botanical compounds that are as good for the mind as they are for the body.
The avenanthramides in oat straw relax the blood vessels, improving blood flow to the brain. This helps you to stay sharp by allowing your brain to benefit from extra oxygen and nutrients.
Needless to say, the improvement in blood supply also helps your brain make the most of all the other beneficial compounds Noocube provides.
Research published in Nutrients (June 2020) shows doses between 430 mg and 1290 mg of green oat grass extract can significantly improve mental performance and also modulate the physiological response to stress. [7]
Noocube provides 1500 mg of oat grass (150 mg at 10 x normal strength). That's probably a big part of the reason so many people say the supplement works so well and can support brain health.
L-tyrosine is an amino acid. Your body needs it to make dopamine. We've already discussed the importance of dopamine, so there is not a lot more to say. However, L-tyrosine aids the production of several other important neurotransmitters too.
L-theanine is an amino acid as well. When you take it in supplements, it brings about a unique state of mind that allows you to feel very relaxed while still remaining mentally alert.
Research shows L-theanine offers additional nootropic value too. It can improve cognitive function and help naturally reduce neurodegenerative diseases.
Not only does it fight stress; it improves verbal fluency and executive function as well. [8]
In common with many other top nootropics, Alpha GPC increases neurotransmitter activity. It's very good for increasing mental focus and helping you to have a better memory.
Alpha GPC is such a good memory improver, in many parts of Europe it is available in prescription medications for treating Alzheimer's disease.
A very useful nootropic, Alpha GPC also has credibility as a dementia treatment. Research comparing Alpha GPC to another popular nootropic (cytosine diphosphocholine) shows they both improved word fluency. However, Alpha GPC was shown to work best and improved memory. [9]
If you don't recognize this ingredient, you may know it by another name - clubmoss. The key active compound is an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor called Huperzine A.
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine (neurotransmitter).
Sufficient acetylcholinesterase is vital for a good memory. It also helps you enjoy better mental clarity and concentration.
The results of a study involving Alzheimer's patients show Huperzine A successfully delivered a 58% improvement in memory and cognitive function. [10]
A strange addition for a nootropic, Lutemax 2020 is a branded ingredient that supports good eye health.
Resveratrol is a polyphenol antioxidant. Red wine is an excellent source.
This ingredient is associated with many health benefits including weight loss and relief from arthritis. It also boasts a powerful neuroprotective effect.
Resveratrol further supports brain health and brain function by improving cerebral circulation.
Research published in Archives of Medical Science (July 2019) shows resveratrol exerts "clinically significant protective effects against cognitive decline in humans." [11]
Pterostilbene is generally sourced from blueberries. It's chemically very similar to resveratrol. Ability wise there is probably not a lot to choose between them.
Noocube customer reviews are excellent.
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Here are a few we chose at random.
" I have been taking Noocube for 12 months now, my mental energy and focus is so much better over the last year. I am 60 years old and felt my cognitive performance was deteriorating, which is not ideal for a college lecturer. " Francis M, Detroit, USA
" Mental speed and mental clarity is all important to me. I day trade on the stock market and need to make decisions quickly with a clear mind - Noocube helps me to do this, It is the one supplement I would recommend to anyone " K L, Washington, USA
" I have tried a few dietary supplements over the years that provided cognitive enhancement, Noocube is the only brain health supplement I notice a distinct improvement when I take. When I am taking Noocube I feel sharper and my concentration levels are so much higher. I have ADHD and so I need something to help me focus more. " P D Kissenger, Ontario, Canada
" Nootropics like Noocube are a godsend to me. I need a brain booster supplement without question. Noocube helps me declutter my mind and get my todo list done. "
" I have been suffering from memory loss caused by brain plaque for several years. Noocube has given me my brain power back. " C Jackson, Perth, Australia
Noocube brain supplement does not have any known side effects.
However, as with similar supplements, if you have existing health issues or would need to use Noocube alongside medication, it's best to get medical advice before you begin using Noocube.
Buy Noocube Direct from Official Website
Noocube is only available from the official website. At the time of this Noocube review, the price was $59.99 for a 30-day supply. Shipping is always free.
Although the price is good, it can become better. All you have to do is order two bottles of the natural brain booster. Doing this gets you a third bottle in the house.
Alternatively, you can stretch the savings a little further and get six bottles of Noocube for the price of three.
Noocube has a 60-day money-back guarantee.
Here is some clinical trials data backing up the cognitive benefits and numerous health benefits of the ingredients used in Noocube all natural nootropic supplement.
1. Health Benefits of Vitamin B1: https://www.webmd.com/vitamins-and-supplements/health-benefits-of-vitamin-b-1
2. Biotin, Mitochondria, and Dementia: Research Reveals a Connection: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2021-01-biotin-mitochondria-dementia-reveals.html
3. Serotonin: The Natural Mood Booster: https://www.health.harvard.edu/mind-and-mood/serotonin-the-natural-mood-booster
4. Dopamine: The Pathway to Pleasure: https://www.health.harvard.edu/mind-and-mood/dopamine-the-pathway-to-pleasure
5. Chronic Effects of Brahmi (Bacopa Monnieri) On Human Memory: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12093601/
6. The Amazon Rain Forest Plant Uncaria Tomentosa (Cat’s Claw) And Its Specific Proanthocyanidin Constituents Are Potent Inhibitors and Reducers of Both Brain Plaques and Tangles: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6365538/
7. Acute and Chronic Effects of Green Oat (Avena sativa) Extract on Cognitive Function and Mood during a Laboratory Stressor in Healthy Adults: A Randomised, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study in Healthy Humans: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7352613/
8. Effects of L-Theanine Administration on Stress-Related Symptoms and Cognitive Functions in Healthy Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6836118/
9. A Multicentre Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy and Tolerability of Alpha-Glycerylphosphorylcholine Versus Cytosine Diphosphocholine in Patients With Vascular Dementia: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1916007/
10. Efficacy of Tablet Huperzine-a on Memory, Cognition, and Behavior in Alzheimer’s Disease: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8701750/
11. Resveratrol and Cognitive Decline: A Clinician Perspective: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6657254/
Noocube provides some of the best natural nootropics known to man. It's an incredibly good brain health supplement and all of the ingredients have scientifically proven capabilities.
Not only are the ingredients and inclusion rates very good, thanks to the use of a few carefully chosen high-potency extracts, the manufacturer has managed to keep the dietary supplement size down.
That's good news. Nobody likes swallowing something the size of a horse pill.
If you have taken the time to thoroughly read our Noocube ingredient evaluation, it should be clear to you why the supplement works so well.
Regardless of why you are presently looking for a good smart drug or brain supplement, Noocube is an excellent choice. It's also got a very good money-back guarantee. You have nothing to lose by trying it and everything to gain.
If you are presently looking for a natural alternative to Adderall or Ritalin, Noocube is one of the best options available. It's also one of the cheapest.
However, it would be unwise to just swap one for the other. To be on the safe side, it's best to discuss your intentions with your doctor first.
Noocube is an extremely impressive nootropic. We give it our highest recommendation. Cheaper options? There are a few. Better options? No other nootropic compares to the brain boosting capabilities of Noocube..
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