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If you’ve been looking for a testosterone booster for a while, you will have definitely come across Prime Male by now. Prime Male was launched a long time ago, but it has remained one of the most recommended and highly rated testosterone boosting supplements on the market.
Specifically, Prime Male is often said to be the single best testosterone booster for older men in existence.
The question we’re here to answer once and for all is, does Prime Male really work as advertised?
Does Prime Male actually increase testosterone levels? Is Prime Male safe? Does it promote lean muscle mass? Will it help improve sexual health and keep estrogen levels low? Read our full Prime Male review below to learn answers to these questions and more!
The most important part of a Prime Male review is an analysis of the ingredients.
Here is the Prime Male ingredients list: D-Aspartic Acid Calcium ChelateBoronKorean Red GinsengLuteolinMagnesiumAshwagandhaNettle RootVitamin B6Vitamin D3Vitamin K2ZincBlack Pepper Extract (BioPerine)
We first had a nutritionist review the Prime Male label’s 12 natural ingredients and give us some feedback.
We also searched for evidence to support the claims, and looked into how this formula could increase testosterone levels.
We want to mention in this Prime Male review that we enjoyed the transparent label. This made our research much easier.
D-aspartic acid calcium chelate is a very common ingredient in testosterone boosters, such as the well-known T-Hero testosterone booster. This is because it is one of the most reliable and robustly proven natural testosterone boosters in existence.
Studies show that D-aspartic acid increases the production of testosterone by stimulating luteinizing hormone (LH) production in the brain. It also appears to trigger growth hormone release. Prime Male therefore provides a double whammy of anabolic support by boosting both testosterone and GH.
This extract is made from black peppercorns. Numerous studies have shown that it can increase your digestion’s ability to absorb nutrients up to 30%.
Boron is often overlooked by testosterone boosters, but Prime Male contains a very generous serving of this potent natural testosterone booster. Studies show that consuming Boron can increase in testosterone levels by up to 25%. It is particularly effective in people with testosterone deficiency caused by poor diet.
Prime Male contains a decent serving of Boron which will raise serum testosterone levels without causing adverse effects.
Korean Red Ginseng is one of Prime Male’s most effective ingredients for naturally increasing active testosterone in a safe, natural way. Korean Red Ginseng has been used for centuries as a way to improve both mental health and sexual health; it is known as a male vitality booster and an anti-anxiety supplement.
The good news is, Korean red Ginseng really works. Studies show that among this herb’s many health benefits are lower estrogen levels in men, increased sperm count, more stable blood sugar levels, and crucially, increased production of testosterone.
Luteolin, an element that is only found in certain mint leaves, helps to suppress estrogen within the male body. It’s is a flavone with many useful properties, like being anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, microglia-inhibiting, neuroprotective, and increasing memory. It can also improve exercise performance for men.
Magnesium plays a vital role in lowering the levels of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). The SHBG binds testosterone to your body.
Magnesium supplementation reduces SHBG levels and increases the amount of free testosterone your body can use. This is ideal for intense training.
Magnesium can help your muscles relax after a workout. Magnesium helps to counteract the effect calcium has on muscles after exercise. This delicate balance can be upset and you may feel the effects in the form of aches or pains.
This exotic herb, which has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for many years, has been linked to increased energy, decreased stress, and better focus.
Recent studies have shown that it can boost testosterone levels in men with infertility. It can even increase muscle strength and body composition, without any side effects.
Over a 6-week period, we were able to see an increase in fat loss with two of my clients who are weight management professionals. The clients also reported a significant lift in their moods that lasts throughout the day.
Nettle root is an efficient estrogen blocker in the male body that reduces SHBG levels comparable to magnesium. In a nutshell, nettle root inhibits testosterone conversion and degradation into estrogen.
High estrogen levels might cause sperm production to slow down and make it more difficult to produce healthy sperm. Increased estrogen can also lead to more breast tissue than is typical.
This vitamin is important for the production of red blood cells. Medical science suggests that this vitamin may also be an important building block for testosterone production.
Aside from this, vitamin B6 enhances the bioavailability and absorption of two other testosterone-boosting ingredients in Prime Male: zinc and magnesium.
Prime Male also uses P-5-P which is the most active and bioavailable vitamin B6 form, which, as my dietician would tell you, is an important aspect in evaluating ingredients.
Vitamin D3 is the recommended form of vitamin D. It is also known as the sun vitamin. Vitamin D3 is produced by our skin when we expose it to sunlight. Vitamin D3 plays multiple roles in your immune system, overall health, and energy levels, just like other forms.
Prime Male supplement has a high dose of vitamin D3. If you take it as a single pill, you can save money.
Vitamin K2 has been proven to increase free serum testosterone levels in clinical trials. Low levels of K2 are closely associated with testosterone deficiency, especially in older men. The good news is that taking K2 supplements can restore healthy testosterone production quite quickly.
This mineral has been studied far more than any other. Numerous trials have been done, and the results have shown that zinc can directly be linked to an increase of testosterone.
Zinc appears to counter common symptoms of low testosterone levels such as erectile dysfunction, higher body fat, and weight.
Prime Male Benefits: What does it do?
Prime Male natural T booster vitamin offers multiple health and well-being benefits. The person will notice positive changes due to high T-levels.
These are just a few of the benefits of this supplement.
This testosterone booster supplement can help you manage your testosterone levels. It can give you a renewed sense and energy to tackle everyday tasks.
The Prime Male pills may help you lose belly fat. For best results, you should combine the Prime Male formula with regular exercise and a healthy diet.
It will boost your mood
Prime Male is a supplement that contains natural ingredients to help you overcome bad moods.
This supplement can be used according to the manufacturer’s instructions and may reduce mood swings. They start to notice and document promising developments.
The user will feel energized and refreshed after removing tiredness and fatigue. Mental clarity can help users maintain focus and attention.
This helps reduce the chance of forgetting things.
Prime Male may also help to regulate blood pressure and maintain good cardiovascular health.
You will also notice an increase in your libido and sexual desire due to the use of this product.
Prime Male Testosterone Booster Side Effects
It is important to be aware of the potential for adverse side effects when taking any type of supplement.
Most customers have reported that they had not experienced any negative Prime Male side effects.
The following are some of possible Prime Male side effects: Mild headachesDiarrheaMood swingsStomach upsetsAllergic reactions
It is important to read the label carefully to make sure you aren’t allergic to any ingredient in the supplement.
Before using Prime Male, always consult a physician.
How to Take Prime Male?
The manufacturer recommends that you take the supplements orally at least four times per day, after meals. You can take the supplements orally at eight o’clock, noon, two p.m., and five p.m.
This schedule should be followed until you notice a significant difference in your output and testosterone levels.
Prime Male Pros And Cons
Our research showed that the natural testosterone booster has received a lot of positive feedback on forums.
Prime Male reviews tend to be positive and say it’s easy on your stomach.
Pros There have been many positive comments about the noticeable improvements in a matter of weeks.It has Vitamin D3 as well as Vitamin B6 to improve general health.It may have enough strength to increase natural testosterone levels with 1.6 grams of D-aspartic AcidAvoid stimulants that can make you feel jitteryYou get a guarantee of a refund within 90 days
Cons Very expensive testosterone boosterMissing some key ingredients found in comparable testosterone boostersOther testosterone boosters are more effective in raising testosterone levelsLargely designed for older men, not younger guys and bodybuilders
Overall, we think Prime Male is a solid testosterone booster that will definitely deliver results. However, we also think there are better testosterone boosters out there right now.
For example, our current top-rated testosterone booster works equally well for both young and older men, has a better range of proven ingredients than Prime Male, and importantly, it comes in at around half the price when buying a bundle.
Where to Buy Prime Male
Prime Male can be purchased on the company website.
This is the only way you can avoid counterfeit products. It may also be the best place for great deals.
Performance athletes seem to prefer the four-month supply option.
Prime Male 120 capsules costs $69.95 for a box.
Although it is more expensive than similar supplements, I can tell you that it has a good impact on my clients’ results.
You can get 4 boxes for $37 with the 3+1 package. This is 25% off the original price. It sounds like a great deal. You also get free shipping worldwide
Our test results were good, but we wanted to share some Prime Male reviews that we found interesting from other parts of the world. Here is a selection of Prime Male reviews and complaints from Reddit, Amazon, and other places online:
Prime Male Testosterone Booster Alternatives
TestoPrime is – without question – the best alternative to Prime Male on the market right now. TestoPrime uses a more effective blend of ingredients than Prime Male for boosting sex drive, supporting weight loss, and raising the actual production of testosterone.
Not only is TestoPrime more effective at boosting natural testosterone production, but it is also significantly better value than Prime Male.
TestoPrime also contains ingredients more geared toward improving sexual health than Prime Male, with more than one ingredient proven to increase sperm production and sexual satisfaction by a clinical trial.
TestoFuel has been voted one of the most effective all-natural testosterone boosters on the market today. Roar Ambition makes it not only to increase testosterone but also to aid athletes and bodybuilders.
These ingredients are nearly identical to Prime Male with D–aspartic Acid, nettle root extract, and ginseng to increase testosterone levels.
It’s also much cheaper than other T-boosters and, unlike Prime Male, it’s designed for people over 18 who want to increase their T count or build or maintain lean body mass.
Prime Male Review Conclusion: Should you buy it?
Prime Male is a very good testosterone booster. It contains some really great ingredients that, taken together, can reduce estrogen production, increase levels of testosterone, raise sex drive and help prevent weight gain as you get older.
That said, Prime Male is not the best testosterone booster on the market right now. For one thing, Prime Male is extremely expensive. Other testosterone boosters provide a wider range of benefits – and a greater increase in your serum level of testosterone – for a significantly lower price than Prime Male.
We also think other testosterone boosters are better suited to both younger and older guys struggling with low testosterone for different reasons, be it old age, lack of sleep, stress, or poor diet.
Click the link below to see our current top-rated testosterone booster overall!
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