The article has been checked for accuracy (content includes links to reputable media sites, academic research institutions, and occasionally medical studies).All content on our website has been reviewed, however, if you feel that our content is inaccurate, out of date or questionable, you may contact us to make any necessary corrections.Reviewed and approved by the pharmacist Franciele Rohor de Souza.Written by Daniela Echeverri CastroSumac, with the scientific name Rhus coriaria, is a variety of shrub that belongs to the plant family Anacardiaceae.It is estimated that there are around 200 species, but the most used is the Syrian sumac, recognized for its culinary and medicinal qualities.In particular, it is often used as an aromatic spice in Mediterranean or Middle Eastern cuisine, in dishes such as salads, hummus and kebabs.In addition to this, it is valued for its nutritional properties, since it provides vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats.Are you interested in knowing more about its uses and benefits?A review in the academic journal Heliyon details that sumac is a flowering shrub that typically grows in subtropical and temperate climates around the world.To be more precise, it is common in various regions of the Mediterranean, Asia and Africa.The plant is characterized by having slightly hairy and branched stems, on which oval and toothed leaves grow, with an intense green hue on the top and light green on the back.In turn, this grows crowded flowers and small bright red fruits that lack pulp.From the latter, a powdered spice is made that is used both culinary and in the preparation of remedies.According to evidence, it is a source of the following nutrients:Also visit: What are goji berries and what benefits do they offer?For now, the medicinal properties of sumac have not been sufficiently studied in humans.Despite this, existing studies suggest certain health benefits.In any case, it should not be a treatment of first choice when it comes to treating diseases.Let's see its main applications.Due to its high concentration of antioxidant compounds, sumac has become an ideal supplement to combat the negative effects of free radicals.According to a publication in the journal Antioxidants, around 200 phytochemicals with beneficial health effects have been isolated from the plant.Of these, substances such as flavonoids, anthocyanins, terpenoids and coumarin derivatives stand out for their potential to combat oxidative stress and protect the body's cells.This not only reduces the risk of premature aging, but also of chronic diseases.To date, researchers have not clarified how sumac can help lower high blood glucose levels.According to the hypotheses, it is due to its high concentration of antioxidants.In any case, studies suggest benefits of this remedy for diabetic patients.In research shared in the Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, patients who consumed 3 grams of sumac achieved a reduction in their high blood sugar levels and an increase in antioxidant capacity.For its part, a study in the Journal of Research in Medical Sciences made similar findings, but added that the powdered extract of the plant improved insulin sensitivity.For now, more research is needed.Popular literature describes a wide variety of cardiovascular benefits from sumac.Of these, lowering high cholesterol has been one of the most researched.In this regard, a study in 2011 reported that sumac fruit extract has lipid-lowering properties that favor the reduction of high levels of triglycerides and cholesterol.For this reason, it is also attributed cardioprotective and hepatoprotective potential.The minerals and antioxidants in sumac are quite beneficial for athletes.Its assimilation seems to significantly reduce muscle pain caused by exercise.This was reported by the result of a randomized controlled trial shared in Physiology International, in which these effects are attributed to the increase in circulating antioxidants.Do not stop reading: What are antioxidants and what are they for?To date, there are no reports of adverse reactions from sumac consumption in healthy adults.As long as its use is moderate, it is considered safe.Despite this, its intake is not recommended for people with a history of allergies to mangoes or cashews.It is also contraindicated in the following cases:Since there is a lack of evidence on its safety, it is best to consult a doctor before taking this type of herbal remedy, especially if there is already a diagnosed disease or if you are taking medication.On the other hand, it should be remembered that sumac (Rhus coriaria) is not the same as poison sumac (Toxicodendron vernix).The latter produces white fruits and only contact with the skin can cause inflammation and itching.It should not be taken under any circumstances.As a spice, sumac adds color, flavor, and aroma to a wide variety of dishes.It is usually used in preparations with meat, cereals, vegetables, sauces and baked goods.It is also the protagonist of the sumac lemonade, in which it provides a bittersweet touch.However, it can also be included as a dietary supplement, as it is available in capsules, tea, and tincture.In these cases, it is convenient to check the label and follow the recommendations without exceeding the suggested dose.The sumac is a shrub that stands out for its clusters of red fruits.From these powders and extracts are obtained for cooking and natural medicine.It is characterized by its abundant concentration of antioxidants and nutrients that benefit health.In particular, it appears to help prevent diabetes, lower cholesterol, and counteract the negative effects of free radicals.Despite this, the evidence is insufficient and more research is required.Therefore, if you plan to use it for medicinal purposes, it is best to consult your doctor.Acai berries are known as an anti-aging food.For what reason?In this article we tell you everything about it.Reviewed and approved by the pharmacist Franciele Rohor de Souza.Written by Daniela Echeverri CastroSelect from the 0 categories from which you would like to receive articles.Better with Health Magazine on good habits and care for your health © 2012 – 2022 .All rights reserved.The contents of this publication are written for informational purposes only.At no time can they serve to facilitate diagnoses or replace the work of a professional.We recommend that you contact your trusted specialist.This page complies with the HONCode information quality standards.check it here