Other natural ingredients can enhance the benefits of CBD and help overall wellbeing.
CBD can be used for an array of different reasons, from pain relief and sleep to anxiety and stress. While CBD can produce significant effects taken alone, you may be able to enhance the experience by bringing other supplements into your wellness regime.
Hemp Point is a European CBD brand that is a big believer in holistic health. Its CBD products are primarily full spectrum as well as from the whole plant hemp extract , meaning it contains the original chemical makeup of the hemp plant, including various cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids.
It is thought that these compounds work together to produce what is known as the entourage effect. Hemp Point founder Tomas Biroscik recommends bringing other natural supplements into your wellness routine to further enhance the benefits of your CBD oil, capsules and topicals and potentially boost their bioavailability.
Here are six natural ingredients to have on your radar if you’re looking to make the most of your CBD products.
Curcumin is the compound that gives turmeric its bright yellow colour and is the main active ingredient responsible for the spice’s various health benefits.
When taken together, CBD and turmeric are a match made in heaven. One of the most common natural supplements to combine with CBD, turmeric is thought to be a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.
But before you drop a spoonful of turmeric into your CBD-infused coffee, it’s worth noting that curcumin content in turmeric is just 3 percent on average . So instead, you may want to consider pure curcumin supplements to maximise the many benefits.
Unfortunately, turmeric and curcumin do not easily absorb into the bloodstream thanks to their hydrophobic qualities. This is where our next herbal remedy comes into play.
Piperine is naturally found in black pepper, one of the world’s most familiar spices. Aside from its anti-inflammatory properties, high content of antioxidants and potential brain-boosting benefits, piperine has been found to increase the bioavailability of drugs and remedies.
One study showed that it increased curcumin bioavailability by almost ten-fold. The same may apply to CBD. A rat model published in 2020 found that piperine increased the oral bioavailability of CBD by a factor of 2.5.
Produced from the oil-resin released from copaiba trees, this natural supplement is used for a variety of reasons to help improve health and wellbeing.
Copaiba oil is primarily used as an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever, making it a perfect match for CBD which is known to have similar benefits.
Unlike CBD, Copaiba does not have the same level of research behind it to back up these claims but anecdotal reports and early studies are promising.
For example, a 2018 study on people with arthritis found that massage with copaiba essential oil was a more effective pain reliever than a massage with coconut oil. Respondents reported a larger decrease in pain and an increase in finger strength and dexterity.
Ashwagandha is often combined with CBD to enhance its stress-relieving properties. The small shrub, native to the Middle East, India and parts of Africa, has been used for thousands of years as a medicinal herb.
It is primarily used in Ayurveda, an Indian alternative medical practice that combines herbal remedies, yoga, meditation and other therapies.
Ashwagandha is thought to control several stress mediators, the most well-known being cortisol, which is informally known as the “stress hormone”. Some studies have confirmed that the herb could be a valuable supplement for managing anxiety and stress.
One small study of 58 participants found that Ashwagandha consumption led to reduced perceived stress, lower levels of cortisol and improved sleep compared to those that took a placebo.
These tiny black seeds derived from the nigella sativa plant were among the most treasured in ancient Arabic and Latin cultures, acquiring nicknames such as ‘panacea’ (‘cure all’ in Latin) and ‘habbah sawda’ (or seeds of blessing in Arabic).
Nigella seed oil (also known as black cumin) continues to be used to this day. Offering potential immune-boosting, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, it is a popular supplement for enhancing the benefits of CBD.
According to Ayurveda, black cumin seed oil can also increase the bioavailability of other herbal remedies taken alongside it.
Some people use this natural supplement for skin conditions such as acne, vitiligo, eczema and psoriasis. A study of 60 people revealed that a topical gel made using black cumin seed oil reduced acne severity by 78 percent.
Others use the supplement for its powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial effects, using the oil to promote wound healing and reduce inflammation. A number of animal studies have produced positive findings, showing that the oil could enhance wound healing in rats.
CBD combined with Siberian Ginseng is believed to work together to support the nervous system and reduce fatigue.
The primary active ingredient in Siberian Ginseng is eleutherosides which is thought to interact with the immune system. One animal study supports this claim, reporting immune-boosting properties among a cohort of rats.
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