The pandemic was hard on many couples. People who weren't used to spending virtually every waking second together were suddenly forced to spend a whole lot of time together.
Due to divorce courts closing in the midst of the pandemic, couples who'd been considering divorce before the pandemic were forced to sit tight as were those who decided during the pandemic that their marriage should dissolve. However, as soon as New York divorce courts began to reopen in the summer of 2021, lawyers suddenly found themselves slammed with requests for representation in divorce cases.
New York lawyers reported that once the divorce courts opened back up, they were suddenly thrust into working 16- hour days just to keep up with couples who no longer wanted to remain married. What's more is that although the Christmas season is generally slow for divorces, it wasn't in 2021. As a matter of fact, inquiries about obtaining a divorce were 45 percent higher than before the pandemic. analyzed online searches for the term "divorce lawyers" by New Yorkers during the pandemic and their research discovered that statewide, that term was searched 433,344 times during the pandemic.
The study also took a look at which areas of New York searched the most for divorce lawyers and if feels like a lot of people you know in Binghamton got divorced recently, it's not just a feeling, it's a reality.
The city with the highest number of searches for divorce lawyers relative to its population size was Merrick which had 8,400 searches which comes out to around 41.7 percent compared to its population of 20,130.
The city with the second-highest number of searches for divorce lawyers was Binghamton with 12,000 searches which comes out to around 27.8 percent compared to our population of 43,202.
The Institute of Family Studies says that 34 percent of married couples reported that the pandemic caused a serious strain on their marriage and for many who were forced into lockdown and social isolation, the strain is what pushed them to think about separation and even divorce.