Momordica Grosvenor Extract
CAS No: 88901-36-4
CAS No: 88901-36-4
Grosvenor momordica fruit belonging to cucurbitaceous is a kind of perennial plant with old root and herbal stem.
It is sweet, acidic and cool, It can relieve heat and cool blood, engender liquid and check coughing induce laxation, invigorate the skin, lubricate the lung and eliminate phlegm so that It can be used to prolong life, freshen the complexion, treat heat phlegm, coughing, throat-swelling constipation and depression.
According to the modern medicinal researches, it contains rich glucoside which is three hundred times sweeter than sugar cane.
It can lower blood sugar and treat diabets without adverse reaction.
It contains rich vitamin C so as to resist against aging, cancers, lower blood lipids, lose weight and invigorate the skin, help treat hyperlipemia and improve obesity in organic foods and medicines with low heat capacity, non-nutritional without for fermentation.
Active ingredients:
Mangosteen sweet glycosides, Mangosteen total sweet glycosides. Sweet glycosidesV.
Total mangosteen glucosinolate 50% or 80%, Mangosteen sweet glycosides V25%
1. Momordica grosvenori extract is a natural sweetener without any calorie which is beneficial for diabetic.
2. Momordica grosvenori extract has powerful antioxidant function.
3. Momordica grosvenori extract is used to relieve cough and expectorant.
4. Momordica grosvenori extract is used to improve immunity.
5. Momordica grosvenori extract is used to lower the blood sugar.
6. Momordica grosvenori extract is used to protect liver.
7. Momordica grosvenori extract is used to anticancer.